The hidden Menace

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Kopa ran through the Pride Lands with his older brother Kion, who is now 23 years old and married Tiffu. The two brothers hung out together, with Kion showing Kopa around the Pride Lands. It's been over eleven years since the day Simba became good again. Within that time Simba and Nala claimed their positions as King and Queen, and Kiara and Kovu were announced as future Queen and King. Zuri started to make frequent visits to the Tree Of Life to see Baylio, and Fuli was hanging out with a cheetah named Azaad. Simba stood from pride rock as he watched his children play together, then he shed a few tears of regret."What's wrong?" asked his loving mate Nala. Simba sighed and responded ,"I'm just remembering, what I did, and what I missed out on,"Nala was surprised but didn't blame him. Simba did do a lot of regretful things that she was sure would stick with him to this very day"Simba, you know that we forgive you, right."Nala said trying to confort her mate."I know, but I missed out on so much, I was only there to see the second half of Kion and Kiara growing up. I just wish I could go back and stop myself from doing what I did."

"Simba, you can't change the past, but the future is up to you."Nala leaned against Simba,"I know, I'm just worried. What if i screw up with Kopa, what if something happens to him." Simba said while showing a great amount of concern in his expression,"You are a great father Simba, everything will be fine."Simba smiled at his mate"And you are an amazing queen." said Simba as he Nuzzled her.

"AGAIN" shouted Zira at her daughter, technically her adopted daughter. Zira and Vitani ran through an obstacle course, she needed her to be in her best condition, if she is to complete her mission."Well done Vitani, you might be small, but I'm sure you already have more than enough strength inside you."praised Zira"Thank you mother." said Vitani

"Vitani, I have watched your progress grow, I was impressed when you managed to take down a small clan of Hyena's. Over the years, you have shown me that you have the strength and intelligence to complete any task, I think you are ready."Vitani had a surprised look on her face,"Ready, for what Mother,"an evil smirk grew on Zira's face,"I need you to kill Simba's son, Kopa."Vitani was confused,"Why him?"

"Simba killed my mate, Scar, I want him to feel the same grief I felt, and Kopa's the perfect target. Tomorrow you will go on your mission."Zira explained,"Yes Mother,"Vitani said bowing her head

In the Pride Lands, Kion and Kopa were patrolling the area to check for any danger, but so far the patrol has been Kion and Kopa hanging out as brothers."Hey Kion, can I ask you something," Kopa said. Kion was a bit skeptical, but agreed,"uh sure Kopa, what is it," 

"It's dad, I noticed lately that he has been sad for some reason, what is up with that,"Kion was caught off guard by Kopa's question, but he knew at some point that Kopa would have to know the truth about everything that happened before he was born, Kion took in a deep breath and began to explain to Kopa,"The reason why Dad has acted this way is because he did some stuff in his past that he regretted, I didn't even know him until I was around your age. Dad sees you as his second chance to be better, to make up for his mistakes."

"Really?"Kopa said Surprised by what his brother had told him"Yeah, he wasn't there for the first half of me growing up, but when you were born, he wanted to be the best father possible."Kopa became curious about his father's past,"Kion, what did dad do exactly?"

"......(sigh) Before me and your sister were born, Dad turned against everyone, including Mom. He helped your great uncle, Scar take over the pridelands. He thought that Mom died and it made him depressed. He would become ruthless and no one could stand in his way, until I showed up. Mom told me about Dad, and whenever I encountered him, there was a part of him that regretted everything, he just didn't want the pain he had. Mom later went up to Dad, showing him that she was still alive and still cared for him. Then he came and saved me from being killed by scar."Kopa was surprised about the past of his father,"Did dad do all of that?"Kopa asked, who was still processing the information Kion told him about"He did, and he regrets it everyday. But now he wants to be a better father, but I still remembered that he even tried to hunt down and kill Kovu."

"Wait, he tried to kill Kiara's boyfriend!"Kion chuckled to himself,"Yeah he really did, but Kopa, just remember, Dad will be there for you, always."Kion smiled at his younger brother"Will you be there for me big bro?"

"Of course."

"Even when you and Tiffu have cubs."Kopa joked while laughing to himself,"Ha ha, shut up dude" said Kion as he playfully nudged kopa.

That night Vitani went out of her cave to walk around and clear her head. Eventually she arrived at the border of the Pride Lands, and thought about what she had to do. She decided it would be good to relax, so she can focus on her mission the next day. Meanwhile Kopa went out of the den to get a drink of water at the watering hole. He quickly took a drink but he looked up and saw Vitani from a distance. He thought she kinda looked cute from a distance, and his heart started to beat faster the more he looked at her, but he had to quickly go back to Pride Rock before anyone notices that he was gone.

"Who is she?" Kopa thought as he ran back to Pride Rock.

And this is the start of Episode 2 (yes we are doing this). I just want to say thank you to those who read the previous book. I know what it looks like, but this will be different from most KopaxVitani books (mainly because most of them were last updated like 4 years ago, but I promise I will finish it). But I hope you like the cover of this book, as of now this cover is my favorite. But remember to vote and comment.

The Lion King AU Episode 2-Hope and DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now