The Last Resort

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Kopa once again felt happy again, him and Vitani were officially a couple, and both cubs couldn't be happier about it. They continued their secret meet ups every day, but instead of hanging out as friends, they hung out as Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Simba and Nala noticed  happy their son was, and were relieved that he wasn't depressed anymore. Kion and Kiara were also happy for their little brother, at least he wasn't in the den crying anymore. Everything was back to normal for them. 

But in the Outlands, Zira when she learned that Kopa was still alive, and that Vitani failed to kill him again, she needed a new plan to get rid of him once and for all. Zira also began to take notice of Vitani's sudden disappearance, every morning, she would tell her mother that she was going to go train, but she would just be gone for the whole day and come back after the sun was gone. Her behavior was highly suspicious to Zira, and she needed to know what was truly going on. The next day, Vitani woke up and told her that she was going to train as usual, Zira allowed Vitani to leave, and she let her go off, only for her to follow Vitani. Zira followed her, and she saw Vitani walk off into the Pridelands, which confused her, why she would ever go there, she didn't really have any reason to go back, Kopa did break her heart after all, there wasn't much of a reason to go there except to try to kill him again. Zira watched her daughter just stand there, as if she was waiting for someone, and that someone was Kopa, she saw the cub walk up to Vitani and nuzzle her. Zira realized something, her daughter was dating the prince, she still had feelings for him. This enraged her, her own daughter has betrayed her, she began to walk back home to the outlands,and she was furious. Zira went back and began to think about what to do next.

Kopa and Vitani nuzzled and hugged each other. They enjoyed being together, and it was better ever since they knew how they truly felt about each other, which made things easier and less awkward. Kopa and Vitani walked through the Pridelands, or around the boarder of the Pridelands so Vitani wouldn't get caught, the last thing they wanted was to get Simba involved, so they tried to keep a low profile when they spent time together. They mostly hung out in areas where there was no one but themselves. Today though, Kopa and Vitani went back to the jungle that they went to on the day Zira attacked Kopa. But unlike the last time time, there were hiding no secrets, and this was only empty area at the time. They walked near the small lake that was by the waterfall, they walked alongside the shore of the lake, Vitani looked over at Kopa, and with a smug look on her face, pushed Kopa into the water. Kopa fell into the water, and he quickly swam up to the surface of the water and saw Vitani laughing at him. He smiled and rolled his eyes at her and pulled Vitani into the water,"KOPA,"she shouted as she was dragged in by her boyfriend. Kopa laughed at her as she freaked out,"you should have seen the look on your face 'Tani," Vitani rolled her eyes and smiled at her boyfriend and splashed some water at him. They both looked into each other's eyes and hugged,"it is not my fault you look cute in water,"Kopa blushed from the compliment and nuzzled her,"you look pretty in general,"Vitani tried not to blush and she continued to hug him," thanks Kopa, it's just..........I am not used to this,"

"Used to what,"Vitani swam to shore and got out of the water, and dried herself by shaking her fur,"I am not used to talking about my feelings, I never got to do that,"Kopa got onto shore and nuzzled Vitani,"it's alright Vitani, I still love you no matter what,"Vitani turned her head and looked at Kopa and smiled at him, his face brought a warm feeling in her heart, and being with him made her forget about her worries,"thank you," Vitani hugged Kopa, and he hugged her back. They spent the rest of the day together on their "date" and as always, neither of them wanted it to end, they wished that the day would last forever. Kopa still wanted to find a way to let Vitani live in the Pridelands, but after the incident with Zira, it wasn't going to be easy to convince Simba to allow an Outlander into the Pridelands. The sun began to set and they both went back home, Kopa ran back to Pride Rock, and Vitani made her way back to the Outlands and saw her mother waiting for her."hello mother,"Vitani said. Vitani walked into the den and curled up, preparing to sleep, Zira walked in,"Vitani, we need to have a talk,"Vitani looked up at her mother,"about what,"

"I know you have been seeing Kopa,"Vitani gulped in fear, she knew,"I-I don't know what you are talking about,"Zira snarled at her,"don't play dumb, I saw you with him, you are forbidden from leaving the den,"Vitani's ears flopped back,"NO,"she shouted. Zira walked out of the den, and she began to come up with her plan. Meanwhile Vitani laid in her den crying, she didn't really care about being grounded, she was just worried about Kopa, she was worried that Zira would hurt him. She couldn't handle losing him again. 

Zira thought about her plan carefully, after she was done with that, she went to her lionesses and told them the plan and what they would do. The next day she will go to where Kopa meets up with Vitani and kill him, after she has done that, the rest of the lionesses will go to the Pridelands and attack, and kill Simba and the royal family. They will finally avenge Scar.

I know some elements of this sounds familiar, but I am going to change it so it's original. But this is the second to last chapter. The next one is going to be the finale. And I will upload a credits theme to Soundcloud (just like last time). But remember to vote and comment and tell other people about this.

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