Attack of New Feelings

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Kopa went back to Pride Rock wondering who he just saw. The thoughts who that lioness was filled his mind to the point where he didn't realize he was already back at Pride Rock. But Kopa quickly noticed and ran into the den, He went next to his parents, curled up, and fell asleep. The next day Kopa was running around in the pridelands just goofing off. But Kopa wasn't paying attention and he accidentally fell into the outlands and ran into a tan Lioness cub."HEY, who are you,"she asked while getting in a defense position,"who are you,"asked Kopa. The Lioness responded,"if you must know, my name is vitani,"but Kopa was distracted,'wow her eyes are pretty,'Kopa thought,"um, hello" vitani said, who noticed Kopa's daydreaming,"are you there,"Kopa snapped back into reality,"oh uh sorry, i-im kopa," Vitani instantly recognized the name,"kopa"she whispered to herself. She was supposed to kill him, she should try to strike him down right now, but there was something in her head that was holding her back."you have pretty eyes"said Kopa awkwardly said, while at the same time, snapping her out of her thoughts."What"she said surprised,"uhh nothing, nothing"Kopa said trying not to blush."oh, alright,"she said

"so uh, d-do you want to uh hang out sometime,"Kopa asked while trying to hide his embarrassment. Vitani's heart started to race when Kopa asked her that question, she didn't know why but she felt something when she looks at Kopa, there was something about him. Not knowing what to do, she said,"uhh, maybe, if my family is alright with it,"

A smile appeared on Kopa's face,"oh, alright, well, se ya,"said Kopa as he walked off back to the pridelands. He trotted through the pridelands with a smile on his face, he didn't know why but he just felt happy. But his happiness was short lived"looks like someone is happy"Kopa turned around and saw his older sister kiara, and his older brother, Kion walking up to him.,"oh hi, yeah im just in a good mood"he said,"and why is that"asked Kion expecting a certain response from his younger brother,"I might have meet and talked with a lioness a-,"saying that was a mistake, a mistake Kopa would instantly regret,"HA, YOU HAVE A CRUSH,"shouted Kion, enjoying the look of annoyance on his brother's face,"shut up kion, you acted like an idiot when you tried to impress tiffu"snapped Kiara defending her brother,"...............But yes Kopa does have a crush,"Kiara began to slightly chuckle,"I DO NOT,"Kopa shouted at his siblings,"yeah sure, and you are the oldest sibling"laughed Kion,"shut up dude," It was very obvious at this point that he was very annoyed at his older sibling's teasing,"well Kopa, do you like her, or find her attractive"asked Kiara trying not to engage in teasing her little brother,"uh, sort of, she has a small tuft of fur on her head, she also has those amazing purple eyes and when I look in them i feel like the whole world stops an-,"But Kopa forgot who he was talking to once again,"MOM, DAD, KOPA HAS A CRUSH"said Kion running off. Kiara put her paw on her face, annoyed at her brother's immature behavior,"KION, DONT TELL MOM AND DAD" shouted Kopa as he chased after his older brother.

Vitani walked back to the outlands thinking about Kopa. She was confused, why didn't she attack him, why did she agree to hang out with him. These thoughts flooded her head, she looked and saw the training course. Barley a full grown Lion could master the course, and yet Vitani was able to master it within a week. Zira knew that she would be able to do that because of her intense training and now she is one of the fiercest Lions in the Outlands. Vitani talked to herself about the situation,"its fine Vitani, all you did was agree to be friends with the enemy, calm down, its not like you will get attached to him and fail you mother,"Vitani at that point was freaking out. What if she did fail her mother, what if she disappointed her, the one who raised her. She looked apoun the training course and figured that speed running it would clear her head.

The training course was fairly large, filled with a constant amount of obstacles that require quick thinking. Some parts of the course even went into the forrest that Kion and Kiara used to live in, but ever since the war, most it has been abandoned, which made it the perfect place to train. But only some parts she could go through because sometimes the Pridelanders would go back, mainly Kiara or Kion with their mates when they are on a date. The place was important to them, so the course had to stay away from the area that they would go to. Vitani was halfway done with the course but she was still feeling conflicted, she had no idea what to do. But she thought of an idea, but mainly it was an excuse so she wouldn't feel guilty about going behind her mother's back."You have improved Vitani,"Vitani looked to see her mother, and she realized she just ended the course,"thank you mother," I have raised you well my daughter, when I send you out on your mission soon, Simba won't know what's coming,"Zira walked off leaving Vitani, just standing there, wondering what she's going to do. 

"Kopa likes someone"said Simba, who was suprised at what his son just told him"aww, Kopa is growing up"said Nala,"Mom stop, its nothing," Kopa said getting annoyed while also giving Kion the death glare. Simba chuckled at his son's annoyance,"Kopa, you are at that age where yo-,"Kopa instantly knew what he was going to say next,"DAD, I don't need the talk again, so what if I like a girl,"

"Can we at least know her name"asked Nala,"I.......I don't know,"Kopa lied. He didn't know why, but it was just instinct."does she live here,"Simba asked. Kopa couldn't say she lived in the outlands, because he knows how his father feels about that place,"I think she doesn't live in the pridelands, maybe in the outlands or nearby pride,"Simba was getting slightly suspicious, but he didn't want to push his Son too far,"just be careful,"he said"alright"said Kopa. Kopa walked off when he saw Kion trying not to laugh."SHUT up Kion, Do you want me to tell mom and dad what you and Tiffu tried to do last night," Kion's face showed immediate irritation,"HEY, that was a moment of passion,"Kion said, who was still annoyed that Kopa could use that against him"yeah sure, but I don't think mom and dad would be pleased"said kopa as he walked away with a smile on his face.

And this is the second chapter of this book. I actually had to re-write this so the story and logic could make more sense. But here it is. New updates EVERY Friday or Saturday, depending on how I feel. But hopefully this book and the images I include give you nostalgia of the older KopaxVitani books that were last updated 5-7 years ago. But remember to vote and comment.

The Lion King AU Episode 2-Hope and DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now