The Rise Of Love

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The more she thought about it, the more she cried. Vitani couldn't handle it anymore, she couldn't let her mother kill Kopa. She stood up, wiped the tears from her face, and raced out of the den. She immediately noticed that her pride was gone, and then she realized something, Zira was finally going to complete her plan,"no no no," she said to herself panicking. She began to run to where her and Kopa would meet up every day. When she arrived she already saw her mother and the rest of the lionesses, her mother was already talking with Kopa. So it was too late to warn him, and she needed help to take down her mother. Then her eyes focused on Pride Rock, Vitani knew what to do, so she immediately ran there.

Simba woke up along with Nala. They both stood up and walked to the edge of Pride Rock and sat there. But something caught their eye, it was a cub, not only that but she was approaching Pride Rock. Simba and Nala went down and waited for her to see what was going on,"Simba...Nala,"the cub said out of breath,"who are you, and where are your parents,"Vitani paused to catch her breath before she continued,"Kopa.....he danger," Simba and Nala looked at each other, wondering what was going on,"what do you mean,"

"my mom, she is going to kill him,"Simba paused for a bit, he was a bit skeptical and he was questioning if he should trust her or not, but he didn't want to take any chances."Nala, go get the rest of the Pride,"Nala nodded in agreement and walked off. Simba turned and faced Vitani,"can you lead me to where Kopa is,"Vitani nodded at the King, she turned around and lead Simba to Kopa.

It was like any other normal day for Kopa, he always looked forward to his meetings with Vitani. He got up and went to where they would always meet up, he began to think about what him and Vitani should do today, although his thoughts were cut off when he noticed Vitani wasn't there, he thought that maybe she was running a bit late, so he decided to wait for her,"hello Prince Kopa,"Kopa turned his head to find the source of the voice, and saw Zira standing there,"uh, hey Zira,"Kopa said with fear in his voice, he began to slowly back away as Zira slowly approached him. Kopa quickly turned around and attempted to sprint away, but he was quickly pinned down by Zira. Zira snarled at the cub as he was struggling to break free."It's no use young prince, your fate is inevitable,"Zira raised her paw, with her claws unsheathed, and Kopa began to brace himself for the pain he was about to face.

'ROAR,'Zira looked up, and she was immediately knocked off of Kopa. Zira stood back up and faced her attacker,"SIMBA,"she shouted angrily. Simba growled at the Outlander,"Zira, what are  you doing,"Zira scratched the side of Simba's face, which resulted in Simba shouting in pain,"simple, I want revenge, LIONESSES,"Simba looked around and saw the Outlander lionesses surround him,"Kopa, get behind me,"Kopa nodded and hid behind his father."Any last words Simba,"Simba just growled at her, he wasn't going to let Zira harm Kopa again."stubborn as always, KILL THEM," The Lionesses moved closer to Simba and Kopa, and as they were about to make their move, they were attacked. Simba and Kopa were suprised by what happened and looked to see Nala along with the rest of the pride."KOPA,"Kopa turned his head and saw Vitani running up to him,"Vitani,"Kopa ran up to Vitani and hugged her,"are you alright,"Kopa smiled at her,"I'm alright, where were you,"

"I was the one that told your father where you were,"Kopa nuzzled her,"thanks,"Vitani smiled at her mate, and she nuzzled him back,"ENOUGH,"everyone's attention shifted towards Zira. Her lionesses stood beside her and they got into attack positions,"we are going to take the Pridelands and avenge Scar,"Simba and his Pride stood side by side, ready to fight,"Kopa, get out of here, it's not safe,"Kion told his brother. Kopa nodded at him, and both him and Vitani ran off. 

"where are we going exactly,"Vitani asked Kopa,"anywhere but here," both cubs ran off to find a place to hide, while the Pridelanders and the Outlanders fought each other. Dark clouds began to move in over them, it would begin rain soon. The fighting still persisted though, and neither side was willing to back down. But the most formidable ones on the battlefield were Kion and Kiara, along with their respective mates. Both Simba and Nala were impressed by their fighting capabilities, this even managed to shock Zira. But that didn't stop the outlanders from knocking out a few Pridelanders, then lightning clashed, and it began to rain. Zira decided that she at least wanted to make sure one specific lion was killed, so she wondered off the battlefield and ran off.

"are you sure we're safe over here,"Kopa looked at his girlfriend,"of course we would be safe, there are so many hiding spots, c'mon, I think there is a spot at the top of the waterfall,"Kopa and Vitani went up to the area on top of the waterfall, and they began to make their way to the hiding spot. Suddenly, Kopa was knocked down,"KOPA,"both cubs looked and saw Zira standing there,"this time, I'm not going to make any mistakes,"Zira walked up to Vitani, the cub immediately got into an attack position. She jumped at her, but she was swatted down, Zira knew her fighting style, so she stood no chance against her. She walked over to Vitani and picked her up by the scruff, and she threw her down the waterfall,"NO,"Kopa shouted, tears fell down his face and he began to cry."now young prince, you will die," Zira went to strike Kopa, but he quickly dodged her. Zira tried again, but he dodged her attack again, she was beginning to get irritated.

Eventually Zira managed to pin Kopa down, she was irritated with him always finding a way to survive, she looked down apoun the cub with anger, the look of fear on his face amused her, she was finally going to avenge Scar. She went down, and attempted to crush Kopa's neck with her jaws,"NO,"Zira was knocked away from the Prince. Zira looked and saw Vitani,"I am not going to let you hurt him,"Kopa stood up, and walked next to Vitani,"then you will die together,"Vitani snarled at her adoptive mother,"so be it,"both cubs went after Zira, Kopa distracted her by jumping on her face, which allowed Vitani to attack. Vitani's expert fighting skills helped, and they were able to bring down Zira. But Zira managed to regain focus, and she knocked Kopa and Vitani against a rock. Both cubs winced in pain as they struggled to stand up,"stand together, die together."

"ZIRA,"Zira turned around and saw Simba, Nala, Kiara, and Kion standing there,"leave him alone,"Kiara shouted."NEVER, YOU TOOK SCAR FROM ME, SO I'M GOING TO TAKE HIM AWAY FROM YOU,"Kion pounced at Zira and began to attack her, with Kiara doing the same,"you will never hurt our brother ever....AGAIN,"Kion and Kiara lashed at Zira, and their fight lead to the edge of the waterfall, and they both pinned her down. Zira laughed and she kicked both of them off of her. She began to stand up, but because it was raining, she slipped and she fell to the river far below, everyone looked down to see if she was alive, but she didn't make it to the surface, it was over.

2 days later

Kopa walked around the Pridelands with his official girlfriend Vitani, ever since most of the Outlanders were allowed into the Pridelands, Vitani was allowed to be Kopa's mate. Kion and Kiara were proud of Kopa for finding someone that truly loved him. Simba and Nala were talking about letting Kiara and Kovu become the new King and Queen of the Pridelands. And it was announced that Baliyo and Zuri were going to get married here soon at the Tree of Life. Kopa walked to the edge of Pride Rock, with Vitani sitting by his side,"it's amazing, isn't it,"Kopa said. Vitani nuzzled Kopa,"It really is,"said Vitani admiring the view,"I'm happy to have you by my side Vitani,"Vitani licked the side of Kopa's face,"I'm happy also, I love you Kopa,"Kopa smiled at her,"I love you Vitani."

Meanwhile Fuli went off to talk to her mate, Azaad, about something. The Female cheetah found him and she walked up to her mate."So Fuli, what was it that you wanted to talk about"Azaad asked. Fuli had a nervous expression on her face, she wasn't sure how Azaad would react, so she took in a deep breath, and told him,"uh, Azaad, I just found out that, I'm pregnant,"Azaad froze out of shock, then a smile grew on his face,".....THATS AMAZING,"he said as he nuzzled his mate,"really,"Fuli was suprised, she thought that he would be upset,"were going to be amazing parents"Azaad said as he hugged Fuli.

And this is the finale, also click the external link for the finale soundtrack PLEASE. And read the next chapter for more information about the possible sequel.

The Lion King AU Episode 2-Hope and DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now