Return Of The Revenge

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Vitani, continued train extra hard, more than usual. She was determined to have her revenge on Kopa, no matter the cost. All she wanted was to kill him, where there was love in her heart, now was vengeance. Zira was impressed by her daughters progress, and just smiled to herself when she saw her adoptive daughter train. As she trained, Vitani would be reminded of those things Kopa said to her,'i will never be with someone like you''JUST LEAVE, I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN''SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP, you can't trick me anymore' Vitani teared up at those memories every time. She then became more aggressive in her training. The thing that hurt Vitani the most was when Kopa said 'I will never be with someone like you' She actually cared for Kopa, and he Just pushed her away as if she was nothing, she felt like nothing."VITANI,"Vitani paused when she heard her mother,"yes mother,"she said while catching her breath from the excessive training,"I want you to calm down,"she was confused, she thought this is what her mother wanted,"why,"

"Vitani, your fighting has become too aggressive to the point that no one will spar with you, I think you have enough training, besides, I need you to save your energy for later,"Vitani understood and bent her head down in respect,"yes mother"

Meanwhile Kion and Kiara were talking with their friends. During her travels, Fuli found a mate, his name was Azaad. The two of them were really close. When Fuli was attacked, Azaad went in and saved her. At first she was reluctant, but she warmed up to him, and the two of them spent more time together, and now, they are together. Zuri however was still at the Tree of Life, and everyone already knew why she wanted to go there at this point. Fuli was telling everyone the stories about everything her and Azaad went through, everyone could tell they loved each other. But everyone noticed Kion and Kiara's behavior, and how they seemed distracted,"Um, Kion, you alright dude,"asked Bunga. Kion and Kiara snapped from their thoughts,"um yeah, its just Kopa,"Tiffu looked at the worried expression on her mate's face,"what about him,"

"ever since the incident with Vitani, he just gave up, he spends the day crying in the den, he would barley eat. He really is heartbroken,"Tiffu nuzzled Kion to confort him,"were just worried about him, that's all,"explained Kiara,"I noticed that, he really didn't take the news well about Vitani working for Zira"said Kovu."have you tried talking with him"asked Fuli."we did, but he just wants to be alone for now, hopefully he will cheer up soon"said Kion. Kopa just rested in the den, not caring about anything. Never before in his life he never felt more alone. He would just cry all day, thinking about how he felt with Vitani, and the kiss they shared. He loved it, as much as he loved her. But it was all a lie, a lie to get him killed, which is what made him upset. That night, Kopa decided to get up and walk around and stretch his legs, it has been a while since he went out of the den. The young prince got up and walked out of the den, he looked around, the Pridelands was peaceful at nighttime, but little did he know, there was someone following him."well well well, if it isn't the prince of the pridelands,"Kopa turned around and saw Vitani standing there,"what do you want"he asked before Vitani raised her paw, with her claws out, and scratched his face,"Revenge"she said in a sinister tone."why, you were the one who hurt me,"This angered Vitani,"SHUT UP"she said as she pounced at Kopa, but Kopa quickly moved away,"YOU BROKE MY HEART KOPA,"Kopa just shrugged at what she said,"stop with the act Vitani"said Kopa still not convinced she cared for him"ITS NOT AN ACT KOPA, I LOVED YOU, I CARED FOR YOU, I DIDN'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN, BUT I WAS FORCED TO, I TRIED EXPLAINING IT, I OFFERED YOU MY HEART, BUT YOU JUST BROKE IT, MY MOM WAS RIGHT, YOU PRIDELANDERS WILL TAKE ANYTHING YOU WANT, AND NOT CARE IF YOU HURT ANYONE,"Kopa was shocked by what she said,"y-you actually loved me,"Vitani rolled her eyes at the prince,"oh shut it Kopa, I used to love you,"Kopa's ears flopped down,"then why are you here,"

"to KILL YOU" she said as she lunged at Kopa."I WAS WILLING TO DIE FOR YOU, YOU MADE ME HAPPY, YOU TAUGHT ME WHAT LOVE FELT LIKE, THEN YOU DESTROYED IT, YOU PUSHED ME AWAY,"Kopa was struggling to not get hurt from Vitani's attacks,"YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO SAVE ME WHEN ZIRA ATTACKED ME"said Kopa fighting back,"YOU STOOD THERE AND WATCHED ME GET ATTACKED,"Vitani snarled at him,"I WANTED TO, BUT MY MOTHER WAS IN THE WAY"She said before clawing his side,"I OFFERED YOU LOVE, AND YOU JUST SPAT IN MY FACE, I.........HATE................YOU."Those words stabbed through Kopa's heart like a knife. She was telling the truth the whole time, she loved him. It was true, Kopa did break her heart, and he regretted it. But there was no going back now. The two fought each other, but Vitani was winning, she had more training, strength, and hate. Their fight led them to the edge of a gorge, it was raining, and the logs blocking the river, broke down, and flooded the gorge. Vitani was getting the upper hand, she clawed Kopa all over, But then Kopa knocked Vitani off of him, and Vitani was now hanging for her life on the edge of the gorge. Kopa walked up, and saw Vitani hanging there, with fear in her eyes,"help me"she said. But then she slipped and fell. "NO," shouted Kopa before he Jumped and grabbed on to her mid-air, and both cubs fell into the river, with Kopa using himself as a shield to protect Vitani. Kopa then pushed himself and Vitani, who was unconscious, to the surface of the river and dragged himself and Vitani through the water. 

Kopa then grabbed onto a log and got on, then he made his way to shore. He jumped off the log, and coughed out the water. And rested for a second, then he saw Vitani, she was so peaceful, Kopa realized what he did, it was true, he deserved what happened today. He couldn't stay, so he dragged her to the boarder of the outlands, and walked home, regretting everything he did, how he treated Vitani,"what have I done,"he said as he fell asleep.

WOW shit just went from 0 to 100 really quick. Yeah I highly doubt you would see this in a KopaxVitani story. But thank you guys for reading this chapter, and remember to vote and comment and check out my Season 4 book I made.

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