The Love Awakens

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Vitani woke up and immediately coughed up water as she regained her breath. She stood up on her paws and she looked around at her surroundings and she realized that she was at the boarder of the outlands. She tried to remember everything that happened the previous day. She remembered her fight with Kopa, then their fight near the gorge, and how she was hanging on for her life, asking for Kopa's help before falling in. Then She remembered Kopa jumping in to save her, then it all went black. She remembered the look on Kopa's face when she fell, his face was full of fear, fear that he would lose her. She started to wonder if Kopa still loved her, but she did try to kill him after all, a small tear formed on her face, she knew that she screwed up with Kopa, she turned around and went back home.

Meanwhile Kopa was walking back home towards Pride Rock, it was barley sunrise, so he had to get back before everyone wondered where he was. When he walked up to Pride Rock, he saw his parents standing there, waiting for him. His ears flopped down, knowing he was in trouble."Kopa, what happened,"said His mother who noticed the scratches all over Kopa."Nothing,"he said in a saddened voice,"Kopa, you can tell us,"said Simba. Kopa looked at both of his parents before bursting into tears,"Vitani......s-she hates me." Simba and Nala hugged their son to confort him,"Kopa, she was raised to hate you,"Kopa continued to cry,"No, it was my fault, she did love me, and I treated her horribly. I said very hurtful things to her, I told her I never wanted to see her again. But she did love me, our love, it was real."Simba and Nala felt bad for their son and did their best confort, but Kopa, he was angry, at himself. Kopa walked into the den and curled up and began to cry. Simba and Nala were really concerned for their son, the past few days were bad for him, and now he felt worse about himself. Kion and Kiara also took notice of their little brother, and knew they had to do something. They talked to each other before deciding what to do."Kopa"said Kion walking up to his little brother,"what do you want,"said Kopa's voice, muffled from his face being buried in his paws,"Get up, come on,"Kopa looked up at his siblings,"why,"

"Kopa, you have been in the den for a long time, come on, were going to cheer you up,"said Kiara. Kopa rolled his eyes,"Fine, but I doubt it will work,"Kopa stood up on his paws and walked out of Pride Rock with Kion and Kiara. Kion, Kiara, and Kopa spent the day hanging out together, trying to cheer up Kopa. Kopa at first was reluctant with hanging out with them, but for a while, he forgot about Vitani, he was happy for once. He was having fun with his siblings, Kion and Kiara noticed this, and were happy that Kopa was happy again. Their night of fun ended with them star gazing,"hey, those stars look like two lions fighting over a scrap of meat,"Kiara said pointing up to a constellation. Kopa and Kion chuckled,"that one looks like Pride Rock,"Kopa said as he pointed to another group of stars. Kopa smiled and looked at his older siblings,"thanks guys,"Kion and Kopa smiled at the small cub,"we just wanted to see you happy,"Kion said looking at his brother,"we know that you will find someone one day,"Kiara told her brother. Kopa smiled, he didn't have that feeling of regret anymore, after a few more hours. Kopa went back to the Den to rest for the night, but he still remembered Vitani, and how he hurt her, he still felt bad for what he did. Kopa got up and walked out of the den, to walk around the pridelands to clear his mind.


Meanwhile Vitani got up and Did the same thing, she walked around the boarder of the Pridelands. She felt once again conflicted about her situation with Kopa, did she love him or hate him, she needed to clear her head. Kopa walked around the pridelands, remembering everything him and Vitani did together. Those memories made him happy and put a smile on his face, and he ran ran across the pridelands, feeling the wind across his fur, with Vitani doing the same. But she stopped when she saw him.


Kopa saw Vitani and his heart began to race when he saw her face,he just stood there and he smiled at her, and she smiled back at him, as if it was an apology for everything.


Both of them ran to each other and hugged. They forgot about everything that happened, they just wanted to be together. Kopa pulled from their hug and just smiled at her, before Vitani licked the side of his muzzle, making him blush.

Both cubs ran though the pridelands happy to be together once again. They ran through the  fields, and to the jungle where Kopa playfully jumped in the lake. Then both ran together again, and splashed in the watering hole, they stopped to catch their breath and they looked down and noticed their reflection, they were one. Kopa was happy once again, and Vitani was happy also. Kopa looked around and then spotted a flower, he walked over to the flower, picked it up with his jaw, and placed it on her ear, Vitani smiled at the display of affection. They hugged each other again, they were in love, and this time, no more mistakes.

Song ends

Kopa lightly tears up while hugging Vitani, the lioness cub took notice of his crying,"Kopa, whats wrong," she asked. Kopa looked at her,"I'm sorry, for everything, I shouldn't have yelled at you or pushed you away,"he said. Vitani nuzzled him,"I'm sorry, for attacking you, I really don't hate you Kopa, I-i was just-,"Kopa interrupted her,"I know, and I deserved it," both of them chuckled,"I knew you still loved me when you jumped to save me, I asked for your help, and you could have just walked away, but you didn't, you saved me, thank you,"Kopa and Vitani once again embraced each other. After a few minuets, Kopa pulled away,"come on,"he said to her,"what,"

"lets go, back to pride rock,"her ears flopped down,"Kopa, I cant,"Kopa was disappointed,"why," Vitani continued to explain,"My mother, she would hunt me down, and kill you, and besides, everyone probably doesn't trust me,"her ears flopped down, she did want to go with Kopa,"then what do we do,"Vitani leaned against Kopa as they looked up at the stars,"we have to continue to keep this secret, no one can know, at least not until the time is right,"Kopa nodded in agreement,"alright,"said Kopa as he continued to hug Vitani."when will we see each other again,"

"tomorrow night, same place that we always meet up,"Both lion cubs stood up, ready to head back home,"alright, bye,"said Kopa as he was about to return to Pride Rock,"WAIT,"shouted Vitani. Kopa stopped walking and turned around and saw Vitani. But before he could react, she pressed his muzzle against his."see ya Kopa,"she said as she walked off. Kopa smiled at her, before turning around and walking back home.

And this is the start of the final trilogy. This was a bit hard to write since I have to use a new keyboard and im not fully used to it yet. But remember to vote and comment and please share this story with others (thats if you want, but don't spam), but see ya.

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