Revenge of Zira Begins

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Vitani woke up very early in the morning, she didn't want her mother to know where she was going. Unfortunately Zira woke up at the same time she did,"Vitani, what are you doing,"Zira asked. Vitani quickly made up an excuse,"I want to extra training,"Zira nodded in approval and Vitani ran off. Vitani managed to catch herself some breakfast and by the time she was done eating, the sun was up. Vitani walked around the boarder of the pridelands and recognized a cub with a small brown mane sitting on the edge waiting. Vitani walked up to Kopa to greet him."I see that you have been waiting"said Vitani. Kopa smiled out of nervousness,"yeah, I didn't know when you would come, so I waited all morning,"said Kopa awkwardly,"don't you have friends"said Vitani teasing him,"not really, most of them are either too old or too young,"

"i see, so what do you want to do"asked Vitani. Kopa shrugged,"wanna play tag,"Vitani was confused,"whats that,"she asked, a suprised look appeared on Kopa's face,"what do you mean," Vitani sighed and explained,"I never really got to play much back home, it's more of survival,"she said. Kopa felt sorry for her,"sorry, but if you want, I can teach you how to play,"Vitani perked up and smiled,"really,"she said. Kopa smiled at her,"of course,"

Kion was resting in the den, he liked to sleep in the mornings to relax. But unfortunately today he wasn't able to get the sleep he wanted as he felt something rub his face,"uhh just five more minuets,"he said in a tired voice,"wake up sleepy head,"laughed Tiffu as she continued to nuzzle him awake. Kion opened his eyes and saw his mate standing in front of him,"why can't you let me sleep,"he said."because you look cute when you are tired,"she joked. Kion smiled and rolled his eyes,"I know that, but I need to rest, I don't exactly like to get up in the morning,"

"really, because you have woken up early to do something for me,"Kion looked up at her and smiled,"I know that but that's because I love you,"Tiffu kissed the side of Kion's face and nuzzled him,"I know that, but come on, everyone else is waiting for you,"Kion turned to his side,"come on, everyone can go on a crazy adventure without me," Tiffu sat down next to Kion,"yes but you know how much I would miss you,"Kion got up and yawned,"fine, if it will make you happy," Tiffu smiled and nuzzled Kion again, but she noticed something,"what is it,"she asked,"I just noticed that Kopa is gone, usually he is the one that annoys me awake, not you,"Tiffu noticed the worried expression on Kion's face,"maybe he went with your parents," Kion shrugged,"I guess, its just-,"Tiffu then cut Kion off,"you worry about him, I understand, he is your little brother, but I'm sure nothing happened to him" Tiffu reassured Kion,"yeah, I guess you are right, come on, I'll race ya,"Kion said running off with Tiffu following behind as they ran off to meet up with everyone else.

Kopa and Vitani had a fun day together. The sun was almost setting and both of them should be heading home. Both walked to the boarder of the Pridelands and stopped to say goodbye,"today has been fun Kopa,"Vitani said. Kopa smiled,"well uh...y-yeah it has been fun, so uh same time tomorrow,"Vitani paused to think, she looked up at Kopa and smiled,"I would like that, see ya,"Vitani said as she turned around and ran off back to the Outlands. Kopa smiled and quietly cheered to himself. He already accepted the fact that he like Vitani, but he didn't want to make things weird between them so for now they are just friends. Kopa walked back to Pride Rock but he saw his brother run up to him,"where were you,"Kion asked. Kopa rolled his eyes,"relax, I was just exploring,"Kopa's remark slightly annoyed Kion,"well you should have told someone where you were going, you could have gotten hurt,"Kopa once again rolled his eyes,"alright geez, why do you worry so much,"Kion was trying his best to not get angry from his brother, and took in a deep breath before continuing,"alright Kopa, you have to understand that I have to look after you because you are my little brother, and if you die, I feel like that's on me. I would blame myself for what would happen to you, I don't want that to happen Kopa, alright,"Kopa's ears flopped down,"I'm sorry Kion, I didn't know that," Kion walked over and hugged his little brother,"I know, but I just want to keep you safe, that's all, but next time, just tell me where you are going, alright,"Kopa smiled at Kion,"alright bro," Kion smiled back at his brother,"c'mon, lets go back home, Mom and Dad are probably wondering where we are," Kion and Kopa began to walk back home to Pride Rock,"Kion,"Kopa said,"yes Kopa,"Kion replied,"when can I come with you on your adventures,"Kion turned his head towards his brother,"maybe when you are older, what me and my friends do are pretty dangerous,"Kopa smirked at his brother,"like what, going all lovey-dovey with your girlfriend,"Kion playfully nudged his brother,"how long are you going to make that joke,"Kopa nudged Kion back,"for as long as possible, or until you have cubs,"Kion laughed,"alright c'mon, I'll race you back home,"Kion said as he ran off,"HEY, KION WAIT FOR ME,"Kopa said, running after his brother.

Vitani walked back to the outlands and when she arrived back home, her mother was waiting for her,"where were you,"Zira said. Vitani quickly made up an excuse,"sorry mother, I fell into a river and got lost,"she said,"alright, then,"Zira said as she turned around and walked away. Vitani made her way into her den and began to rest. She bagan to think about Kopa once again, and the time she spent with him. She actually enjoyed hanging out with the prince. When she thought about him, she would get a warm feeling in her heart that made her smile. Could it be? Could she actually love Kopa? Vitani thought about this all night, as she felt conflicted about her feelings towards him.

AND I finally finished it. This one took me longer to re-write but there ya go. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and tell me what you think in the comments below, and dont forget to vote.

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