A New Way

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Vitani woke up and told her mother that she was going to train more, like she has been for the past couple of days. She walked out to where she would normally meet Kopa, and sure enough, he was there waiting for her. When she saw him, a smile grew on her face, but she didn't think much about it,"hey Kopa,"Vitani said. Kopa perked up and saw Vitani,"hey Vitani,"he said to her. "what do you want to do today,"Vitani asked. Kopa immediately got excited"I know, I'm going to show you the best part of the pridelands"he said,"come on,"Vitani followed Kopa as they ran off.

Meanwhile in the Pridelands, Simba had finished his royal duties and walked up to the edge of Pride Rock to relax. Simba remembered when he was a cub, and his father showed him the whole kingdom. He sighed at that memory, because he knew what happened later,"Simba, are you alright,"Simba turned his head to see his loving mate,"I'm alright, I was just thinking,"Nala leaned against him, and she looked up to see the regret on his face,"you know that we forgive you, right,"Simba took in a deep breath to calm himself down,"I know, but, what I did still haunts me,"Nala tried to reassure her mate,"Simba, that was in the past,"Nala was still worried about Simba, she knew that everyone forgave him, but Simba could not forgive himself,"i know, but what if the same thing that happened to us, happens to him,"Nala knew exactly what Simba was talking about,"Simba, Kopa is not going to turn out like that,"but Simba was still worried about his son,"but it happened with us a-,"

"and we still loved each other, and you know that,"Simba sighed, and recalled what happened those years ago,"I know that, but It was painful for us, I cried every day, remembering you, I thought you were dead and it was my fault (slightly tears up) I regret it, i regret doing what I did,"Simba began to cry at those memories, and the pain that they caused,"Simba, we can't change the past, during the attack in the forest, I saw you, there was a part of me that wanted to confront you, but I was afraid, you would be angry, angry for being away from you"

"Nala, I might've be angry, but I wouldn't want to lose you. Remember when you came up to me, I was so conflicted as to what I should do, there was a part of me that told myself to let go of the past and strike you down, but you showed that you love me, and i couldn't lose you again, I love you,"Simba nuzzled Nala, and she nuzzled Simba back,"I love you too Simba," then Nala noticed Kion and Tiffu walking out of Pride Rock,"KION, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING,"Nala shouted at her son,"MOM, I'M AN ADULT, I CAN MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS,"whined Kion,"JUST BE HOME BY SUNSET,"said Simba, Kion nodded in agreement and him and Tiffu continued to walk away."So, where are we going"asked Tiffu,"just follow me"said kion as he stared at his mate, which weirded out Tiffu a bit,"why are you staring at me,"Kion smiled at her,"can't I just admire your beauty,"Tiffu laughed a bit,"oh shut up"she said as she playfully nudged him,"alright, alright, also Kiara was wondering If you knew where Zuri was,"

"she told me she was Visiting the Tree of Life, she also said it while looking as if she was dreaming,"she explained while recalling the night that Zuri left,"maybe she visited there for someone,"Kion said trying to figure out why Zuri left,"like who,"Tiffu questioned. Kion thought about it a bit before coming up with an answer,"I dunno, maybe that lion that was at the Tree of Life, Rani's brother," Tiffu thought about it for a bit,"maybe," Tiffu did think it would be a good reason why she would return. When they were at the Tree of Life, she did notice her and Baliyo together, but it was only for a short while since she was mostly with Kion at the time,"I wonder where Rani is now,"Kion said, after all those years, that question was in Kion's head, wondering about the whereabouts to the lioness that had fallen for him,"why,"Tiffu asked, wondering why Rani was still in Kion's head,"she liked me, and I rejected her for you, her home was destroyed, im sure she would want revenge, I don't want you to get hurt,"Kion still had that regret after all those years. He didn't want to hurt anyone, even though Rani did what she did to herself, Kion still felt like it was his fault,"Kion, as long as if i'm with you, im fine,"she nuzzled Kion in a reassuring way,"alright, look were here"said Kion. Tiffu then looked around the area, it was beautiful, it was all wonderful, and best of all, they were alone."this place, is wonderful"she said. They were on a ledge of a mountain, with flowers an Trees surrounding them, and A View of the Sunset."Yes, and Best of all, no little brother to find us"teased Kion."what are you saying exactly"asked Tiffu with a slight smirk. Then Kion pinned her down,"I think you know," Tiffu chuckled and kissed Kion,"alright Kion, calm down"smiled Tiffu. Kion smiled back at her.(This is a PG movie LOL)

Meanwhile Kopa and Vitani were running through the Pridelands having a good time. Kopa showed Vitani some of his favorite places he knew. For once in her life, Vitani was actually having fun, and it was even better that she was having fun with Kopa, she couldn't be happier. For the first time in her life, she felt happiness. Kopa then led Vitani to a small jungle. As they walked through, Vitani looked around and thought the place looked beautiful,"what is this place,"she asked admiring the scenery."welcome to Hakunah Mattata Falls"said Kopa, Vitani looked around in awe,"its beautiful,"Vitani couldn't believe what she was looking at, she had seen jungles before, but none of them were as amazing as this one,"not as beautiful as you,"Kopa awkwardly said,"what,"Kopa quickly realized his mistake,"nothing,"he said while trying to hide his blush. Kopa showed vitani around the place, then he swung on a vine into the Small lake."KOPA"shouted Vitani not seeing him resurface. Then out of nowhere, Kopa pulled in Vitani. At first she freaked out, but then calmed down,"KOPA,"Kopa laughed,"ha ha, its fun isn't it"

"yeah, I guess it is"she said, calming down and relaxing in the water. The two Lion cubs played together, before getting out of the water then dried off. Then they went to the top of a cliff there, and watched the sunset."I never knew the sunset could be so wonderful"she said."yeah it is, um Vitani, Can I tell you something"asked Kopa said nervously,"uh sure, what is it," Kopa took in a deep breath and spoke,"I........I like you Vitani, you are wonderful, pretty, and your personality, it-its everything"Vitani blushed, at that moment she didn't know what to say, she forgot all about her mission, and just focused on Kopa."I...I"she tried to speak, but then just pushed her muzzle against his, and Kissed him. The kiss took Kopa off guard, but he enjoyed it, he was happy, he was in love. But their kiss was interrupted when they heard growling. Kopa looked around and saw Zira's pride surround them."well done Vitani, you might have not have Killed him, but you at least led him to us"smiled Zira.

OOF a cliffhanger. This is where the fun begins, I did tear up while writing the next few chapters, because they were so powerful. But I can't spoil what happens in them, so you will have to wait another week. But dont forget to vote and comment, bye

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