Zira Strikes Back

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"I was beginning to think you have betrayed me Vitani, but you proved me wrong, you have managed to trick him into a trap, well done,"said Zira, She walked up next to Vitani, and the other lionesses walked up,"WHAT" shouted Kopa, not believing what he just heard,"its not what it looks like"said Vitani freaking out,"Vitani, you can stop with the act now,"Kopa was shocked,"ACT,"Kopa's ears flopped down in fear as he noticed the outlander Lioness walk up to him"Now prince Kopa, You will die"said Zira. She attacked Kopa, but Kopa tried to get away from her. But Zira was quick, and not that easy to get rid of. Their fight led to the top of the waterfall, where Zira slashed Kopa's back. Kopa shouted in pain and struggled to crawl away from Zira. Zira walked up to the cub, picked him up by his scruff, and then threw him off the waterfall. She turned around, and then instructed two of her lionesses to retrieve Kopa's body.

It was painful,  Kopa's whole body was in pain, he struggled to keep himself afloat. But he managed to get out of the water. He stood up, even though he was in pain, Kopa managed to slowly make his way towards pride rock. After the painful journey, he arrived at pride rock, and saw his parents run up to him."KOPA,"shouted his worried father."what happened,"asked Nala. Kopa then started to cry,"she...she tried to kill me, she led me to a trap, and then t-these lion's showed up, and attacked me,"Simba looked down at his son, and felt like it was his fault that he was in pain,"what was her name,"asked Simba. Kopa paused for a moment, but knew that there was no use in hiding it anymore,"her.....her name was Vitani,"Simba recognized that name, the daughter of Zira, he had heard of her before,"Zira,"he said to himself, realizing that the lioness that attacked him was her."Kopa, go inside, we will help with your injuries, but Just stay there and rest"said Nala picking up Kopa by the scruff, and placing him inside the den. Kopa would normally protest saying he is not a small cub, but now he didn't care, he was heartbroken. Kopa just rested there and cried. Kopa did get healed, and quickly recovered from his injuries. But he just rested in the den most of the time, crying to himself. 

That night, Kopa decided to get up, and go to the watering hole, to get a drink. He walked there, and drank some water. But then he heard a voice, he perked up, and saw Vitani running to him,"KOPA" she shouted as she hugged him. But then Kopa pushed off Vitani in a slightly aggressive way,"GET OFF OF ME," he shouted."Kopa, thats not what it looked like,"anger filled Kopa's mind, and an angry expression formed on his face,"You were a spy, you were sent to kill me, you tried to trick me,"Vitani's ears flopped back,"no I-,"Kopa interrupted her,"then you make me fall in love with you, I even kissed you Vitani, and then your mother and pride show up and try to kill me,"Kopa's eyes were filling up with tears,"Kopa, I'm sorry I-,"

"SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP, you can't trick me anymore,"Vitani started to form tears of her own, "Kopa, please,"Kopa once again, felt anger,"JUST LEAVE, I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN,"Vitani started to cry, from everything Kopa said,"I love you Kopa"she said as she cried,"please Kopa,"Kopa shouted at her,"STOP, just stop, I know who you are, leave me alone forever, I will never be with someone like you Vitani,"said Kopa before leaving. Vitani was in tears, and ran home crying, she was heartbroken. Zira was waiting for her to return, but Vitani just ran past her into the corner of the den and started to cry."Vitani, what happened," Vitani buried her face in her paws,"Kopa..."that was all she could answer. Zira then realized that her daughter actually cared for him. But it didn't matter since he broke her heart. She quickly smiled to herself, the only problem that could stop her plan, fixed itself. ,"I'm sorry Vitani, but thats the truth. They will take everything you have, and break it. But you now know the truth, and now, we must focus on Killing Kopa and his family since he survived,"Vitani raised her head and looked at Zira, "thank you mother,"Zira smiled at Vitani and walked out of the den ,"just rest now."

Vitani then thought of everything that kopa said, the way he pushed her away, the way he yelled at her, the more she thought about it, the more her claws dug into the ground. Her pain, and sadness, turned into rage and hate. She had one more chance to complete her task, and this time, she would have no distractions."I will kill him,"she said to herself, with her voice, full of hatred.

Meanwhile Kopa walked back to pride rock, upset. He was still sad about Vitani betraying him, but some part of him felt worse. He made Vitani cry, but he just scoffed at the thought thinking Vitani was faking it, and if she was actually crying, she earned the pain. Kopa walked to pride rock and saw his siblings standing there,"if you are going to make fun of me, just shut up"he said coldly,"were not here for that,"said Kion,"we want to see if you were alright"said Kiara. Kopa then cried as both of his siblings hugged him. He explained everything, and his encounter with Vitani. His siblings felt bad for their younger brother,"I-its just, you two both have someone, Kiara has Kovu, Kion has Tiffu, b-but I thought, I could have the same thing with Vitani, but she betrayed me, It was my fault, I was too distracted to know what she really was going to do,"Kion and Kiara looked down at their little brother,"Kopa, were sorry"said Kiara in a calm and caring voice,"Kopa, you will find a girl that cares for you, I know it,"Kion said, Kopa began to separate from their hug,"maybe, but I just want to sleep right now,"Kion looked at his little brother and nodded,"alright then, lets go to sleep,"Kopa, Kiara, and Kion walked into the den and fell asleep. Kopa slightly felt better, but he still cried, the pain for Vitani still hasn't gone away.

So this is it, part 5/9. Also I want everyone to know, I am going to write my own Lion Guard season 4, I already released the cover in my Q/A book so go check it out. But remember to vote and comment.

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