So Why Don't We Fall

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story by aknightley
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Keith has no basis for having a relationship with someone, so he's trying to follow Lance's lead. He's had crushes, obviously, but he's never really been with anyone before, so being with Lance is taking some getting used to. They've been dating for several weeks now, for whatever it means to be dating while you're on a mission to save the entire universe from some galactic genocidal maniac, and it seems to be going well? Keith isn't sure. They haven't really done anything different than they were doing before, except now they make out a lot and hold hands and sometimes Keith gets the urge to lean up against Lance while they're sitting on the couch and he can actually do it instead of just wishing for it. 

But as far as being a couple otherwise, he's not really sure how he should be acting. 

Lance seems to be a natural at it, not that Keith is really surprised, given how open and flirtatious he is. Lance is the one to initiate their hand holding, or to absently kiss him on the top of his head when they're brushing their teeth in the morning, or to ask him if he wants to walk around the observation platform late at night so they can be on their own together. Lance can keep their conversations going for hours, and kisses him like he's dying to touch Keith forever, which is just -- so overwhelming, and wonderful, and more than Keith knows how to handle. 

Keith is just trying to keep up, honestly. 

They're in a bar on Rafl'xas, a planet on the edge of the solar system where there's a decent amount of anti-Galran empire activity, waiting on information on Zarkon's military bases from an informant. They've done this several times now, and Shiro seems to think they can handle the responsibility, so it's just him and Lance and Hunk today. They're crowded around a small, round table in the busy bar, and Hunk and Lance are arguing about pretzels. Lance is also trying to trap Keith's leg between his own legs, something Keith is struggling not to smile about.

"I'm just saying, soft pretzels come with different flavors of dipping sauce. Think about it, Hunk! This is a no brainer," Lance says, even as he maneuvers a foot around Keith's right leg and pulls. Keith halfheartedly struggles away, but he's kind of enjoying the distraction of a dumb game of footsie while they wait. This informant is never on time, and Keith likes the way there's a soft grin curving Lance's mouth, the way he keeps flicking glances Keith's way to make sure he's paying attention.

"Um, Lance, I don't know if you knew this, but you can dip hard pretzels in stuff too. Like chocolate," Hunk says, shaking his head. "Plus, they're crunchy. Who doesn't like the crunch?" Keith kind of can't believe he's listening to this, but he also knows that Lance and Hunk seem to miss Earth more than anyone else on the team -- certainly more than Keith does -- and if they want to have ridiculous conversations about food from back home, then they should be able to. 

Keith is nudging his heel playfully against the back of Lance's calf when a mug slams down in front of him, startling him a little. The dark green liquid sloshes slightly, sending off the strong scent of gasoline and something like mint, making him dizzy. He looks up at the alien who had set it down and is now looming over him, smirking vaguely. 

"Hello," they say, and he notices how their tongue is forked on the end. "I am Yrba. You looked a little thirsty." Yrba has tall, pointed ears, a long, fuzzy blue tail, and completely black eyes. They're vaguely beautiful, in the way that deadly snakes are sometimes beautiful. Keith feels himself tense automatically, but he can already hear Shiro's voice in his head, telling him that they're diplomats for Altea now, and they can't risk starting an intergalactic war because they couldn't be polite for five minutes. He swallows down his frown and smiles vaguely at the alien.

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