In the middle of the night - or - Galra!Keith is kind of sick

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In the middle of the night - or - Galra!Keith is kind of sick


Chapter 1: I think something's wrong - or - Let's get down to our knees


The Castle is almost reaching his destination perfectly, but that does not mean everyone on board actually is fine, right Keith ? Keith ?
Keith is sick and the very next room is Lance's. Guess there's no choice but ask for help ?

Chapter Text

"Paladins! Whe entered the Hakentok orbit, we'll arrive in a few doboshes. Until there, rest and train. We'll explore the remains of the lost city as soon as we land."

Allura finished her speech and nodded at the team as a dismissing gesture. The Castle of Lions, their giant spaceship, floated through space asteroids rings in direction of what was, 8000 years ago, one of the first commanding centrals of the Galra's empire.

Only notified in ancient archives, the causes of its abandon remained unknown to the paladins. Similarly, Alteans weren't informed of the existence of such a base, neither was the Blade of Marmora.

When Pidge finally opened the corrupted files they had managed to download from a destroyed ship earlier, she deduced the coordinates of the base's planet. The first move of the crew was to immediately wormhole there, in order to catch up against Zarkon's empire. Allura believed capital secret documentation could be found there. Hopefully a way to counter the power of the druids, or something along these lines. Maybe even information relative to the lions.

As they got near the basewrecked ships' parts passed by. Lance sat under next to Hunk, watching the huge decks drift by, attracted in the void of space by moons and suns of unknown names.

"Look. It's here." Lance elbowed Hunk as he pointed his chin towards the glass walls. Behind them, a grey mass appeared, slowly growing bigger.

"Seems boring. And dead." Hunk commented. Leaning further against his shoulders, Lance waved his hand.

"Maybe I'll uncover some ancient civilisation. We'll play Indiana Jones for real !" Lance talked enthusiastically. This mission was going to be a fun, relaxing one. Not risky at all. The worst that could happen was to stumble upon a deserted camp.

He was so going to have a great night. A full, entire night of sleep, with no blaring alarms, no screams, no ships to blow. Nothing. He smiled at the thought, reporting his attention back to the view.

The planet was orbiting in a large multi-solar system. Due to a high-powered gravity, three moons gravitated around, and a fourth one cycled periodically in loops, passing around suns and going back to the planet, before turning back again.

"It forms an eight. It's a first time discovery. I've never seen such strange shape." Shiro noted, as he continuously played the trajectory of Nok, the purple fourth moon, on the three-dimensional hologram.

The blue asteroid belt projected in the air disappeared as Keith passed through it, his eyes merely following the shapes floating around them. Shiro deactivated most of the simulation, leaving only the ship, the planet and the moons to drift in the castle's cockpit.

"Is it really safe to engage the castle near it?" debated Keith when reaching his sides. "Won't it affect our commands ?"

Keith scraped the back of his neck. The night prior had been long and tiring, and he already felt all of his muscles sore. As much as he enjoyed taking down Zarkon's fleet, he longed for a ultra-hot, steamy shower. Shiro gazed back at him, bags under his eyes. Both of them, along with everyone else in the castle, were drained of energy.

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