Stupid Altean Marks

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Stupid Altean Marks


Lance hums a happy little tune as he washes a plate. Sunlight is streaming into the kitchen, warming his skin. It's a beautiful morning. Perfect for baking an apple pie. Lance closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. It's starting to smell delicious too.

The thought makes him giggle. This is such a cliché, waking up early, doing some chores, feeding the chickens, and then baking an apple pie. Lance figured if he's already living a domestic farm life, he's got to live up to that. His first pie has been an absolute disaster though.

Warmth blooms in Lance's chest as he puts the washed plate aside to dry. That pie had been nothing but a black, charred stone - Keith had tried it anyway and almost choked to death. Well, it made Keith laugh so hard he cried, so Lance still counts that as a victory.

Lance promised to improve his skills until the next time Keith came to visit - that was almost two months ago and Lance had baked a lot of pies in that time. By now he's pretty confident in his skills. He's going to knock Keith off his feet when he comes back to earth in a week. Heat rises to Lance's cheeks. He can't wait to see Keith.

After the war was over, they had grown closer, even closer than before and slowly Lance had begun to realize that his feelings for Keith had been something entirely different for a long time now. Lance groans, pressing his wet hands to his heated cheeks. He really can't wait to see Keith again because this time he's going to tell him.

He hasn't heard a word from Keith for the last two weeks, and the ache in his heart is starting to be unbearable. Lance hasn't missed someone this much ever since he lost Allura. But he can see Keith, he can be by his side, he can hold his hand, and he doesn't want to miss any of this anymore.

Of course, it wasn't easy to accept his feelings, but a smile finds its way to his lips. He knows Allura wants him to be happy. He's sure she's watching over him right now as an eternal space goddess, telling him to get his act together. Lance sends a quick glance at the ceiling, apologizing to her. He's going to do better. It has been a lot of work, but he's really trying his best.

Right now, Keith is on a mission with the blade. They've made some serious progress, but some planets are still suffering from the consequences of the war. Some of them aren't even aware that the war is over. Like the people on Nubos, a small planet hidden inside a metallic storm. That's why Lance hasn't heard a word from Keith. The storm is cutting off any type of communication.

Usually, Keith would call him whenever he had a bit of time, telling him about his work, the species and planets they have encountered. They even started planning a trip to a few of them Lance is dying to see. While he may have had enough of fighting, he sure hasn't seen enough of the beautiful places this universe has to offer.

Lance starts humming again as he bends down to look into the oven. He can't wait to go on a space honeymoon with Keith. The thought makes his chest swell, another laugh tumbling out of his mouth. Thank god nobody is up yet, or they'd think he'd lost his mind. Lance jumps when a loud sound disrupts his quiet moment.

"Jesus," he wheezes, pressing a palm to his chest. He forgot he had his phone set so loud after playing music in the shower. He quickly dries his hand, jogging over to where his phone is still chiming happily on the kitchen table.

"Geez, alright, alright," Lance mumbles, picking up the device - and his heart lurches into his throat. Keith's name flashes over his screen in bright letters. Lance quickly runs a hand through his hair, heart beating a mile per minute, until he sees that it's not a call, just a recorded video message. He furrows his brows. Maybe Keith couldn't make a direct call from within the storm.

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