Lance's Guide To Winning Competitions

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lance's guide to winning competitions


Lance wasn't afraid to admit that he was a tad bit competitive. It was just one of his many personality traits, right along with charming, suave, lovable... the list goes on.

So yeah, sure, he liked to compete. He liked to place bets and make dares and come out on top - it was just who he was. And as such, he tended to not be able to let certain inconsequential things go. Like, for a completely hypothetical example, if Keith were to claim that Blue was easier to fly than Red, since Red was faster, Lance wouldn't be able to let that rest. If that completely hypothetical situation were to happen, Lance would probably say something like, "Oh yeah, Mullet? Well why don't you try to fly her and see just how wrong you are?"

And maybe this hypothetical situation wasn't actually a hypothetical situation but a very real situation, one which had him and Keith marching through the castle, both raring to prove the other wrong. It was just ridiculous that Keith thought he could possibly pilot Blue, all right? She was way different from Red! She needed to be piloted by a kind and loving hand, and Keith was none of that.

"You're gonna be so pissed when she won't even stand up for you," Lance bragged. Keith rolled his eyes, shoving in front of Lance and trying to outpace him.

"I could pilot the blue lion," Keith said. "If we really wanted to make this a competition, we should have you try to fly Red. She'd never listen to you."

Lance ignored the jibe. "Getting cold feet, Keith?" he taunted. "Realizing Blue'll never respond to you? That's okay. You can quit while you're ahead, if you want."

Keith flicked Lance off without turning around to look at him, and Lance grinned. If he was being completely honest - which he rarely was - all this fighting and tension between them was really just a displacement of energy. Like, they got along perfectly well whenever they wanted to. It was just that whenever they was sitting still, whenever Keith was leaning against a wall or sitting on the couch and looking all soft and at peace instead of fired up, Lance's heart crawled up into his throat and threatened to choke him. And he couldn't just let himself suffocate, okay? He had to get all this pent up energy out somehow, and voila - stupid bets and competitions. It was all Lance had left.

Whenever Keith wasn't looking, Lance couldn't keep his eyes off him. His gaze traced the slope of Keith's nose and shape of his jaw and length of his neck. And when Lance stared too long, when Keith somehow caught onto the fact that Lance was ogling him, he would whip his head away and try to pretend like he hadn't been staring in the first place.

So he had to be competitive, okay? It was the only thing that worked to combat Keith's beautiful looks and the stupid things he said that for some reason made Lance's heart flutter. At least when his heart was racing during a competition he could attribute it to exertion.

Like now, for example. His heart was pounding away, solely due to the fact that after Keith had started walking faster than Lance, Lance had started jogging, and then Keith had started running, and now they were both all-out sprinting into the control room. Luckily, Keith veered towards the red lion's entrance on instinct and Lance let out a loud whoop. Keith cursed in realization, now several steps behind Lance in getting to the blue lion first.

The doors slid open, revealing the zip-line, and Lance saluted him. "See ya never, sucker!" he laughed, before turning towards the zip-line. He'd underestimated Keith, however, because Keith immediately started sprinting towards him.

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