The Future's Full Of Clones

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(this is probably my favorite one yet-)

found here:

The Future's Full of Clones


Keith wasn't the most patient of people.

In fact, some (cough, Shiro) might even go as far as to say he was impatient. The kind of impatient that left him crossing his arms, grinding his teeth, and tapping his foot against the floor. The kind that had him thrusting Red into the midsts of the battle even when he'd been told explicitly to wait.

He couldn't help it, okay? There was something about seeing a huge battle going on that rattled his nerves, believe it or not. He knew his team was more than capable of handling things on their own - there'd even been occasions when they'd all been separated, times when just one or two of them had had to fight off entire Galra fleets - so it wasn't exactly the danger factor of it all that had him charging in there, though that was certainly part of it. Mainly, it was knowing a battle was going on without him, knowing that someone could get hurt when he could've done something to stop it. It was that sitting and waiting made him feel absolutely useless and stir-crazy.

Sorry Shiro, but keeping a bird eye's view on the battle wasn't really doing it for Keith. Shiro's reasoning for it hadn't even been that good. Something about the planet the battle was happening on giving him weird vibes, something about keeping an eye on things and making sure nothing strange happened.

Well, nothing strange had happened. And Keith was tired of waiting.

Plus, it was a pretty good thing he got down there when he did. It'd been driving him crazy, ignoring his team over the comms while circling in the sky and looking out for anything less normal than a bunch of teenagers flying in robot lions and fighting off an evil alien species. It was unsettling, hearing them cry out in pain as they got hit by lasers or calling out for someone to cover them and doing nothing about it. Maybe that was part of the reason he was down here now, disobeying orders.

"Shit! This guy won't get off my tail!" Pidge growled, trying and failing to ditch a ship particularly set on following her.

Keith, finally ready to jump into action, thrusted Red forward in a sudden burst of speed, catching the fighter between Red's jaws and feeling the metal crunch somewhere beneath him.

"Aw, Keith!" Lance's voice whined in his ear. "I totally had that guy!"

"Keith?" Shiro said, sounding confused. "He's not in the fray, is he?"

"Uh, unless some other red lion just showed up to steal my thunder, then yeah."

"Sorry, Shiro," Keith grunted, already occupied otherwise. He was taking out ships a bit more aggressively than normal, his tension from being forced to sit and watch bleeding into Red, bleeding into their fighting style. "Things were looking pretty rough down here, I couldn't just stay put anymore."

Shiro made a noise that was half annoyance and half anger. "We need someone up there," he reasoned. "Something about this planet is really giving me bad vibes. I think we need to be keeping an eye out -"

"OW," Hunk suddenly cried out, and then Keith was off, darting towards the ship currently shooting the yellow lion.

Half-distracted, Keith answered, "Yeah, well we don't have enough eyes for that to happen. The sooner we can finish this battle, the sooner -"

He was cut off by a loud rumbling through the air, and he made a noise of confusion, echoed by the rest of the paladins. Lance was the first one to notice something.

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