I'll Be Your Romeo

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i'll be your romeo


found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17230991

edit: you can find it translated into russian here!!! https://ficbook.net/readfic/7894965

Work Text:

In a world with many people and little time, God took mercy on his creations. He recognized their struggle for love and pitied those that never found their intended half. And so the Soul Mark was created, though it would only activate for each person once the other was in love with them.

Perhaps God's act wasn't one of mercy. Perhaps it was something cruel, something to entertain him as he watched his creations scramble around in desperation. After all, a much more merciful Soul Mark would be one that identified soulmates the moment they met, not after they'd already fallen in love.


Contrary to what some might think, Lance loved his school's library. There was just something about it. He was pretty sure it had something to do with how little fucks everyone actually gave in there. Countless people could be found sleeping, curled up in armchairs and slouched against beanbags, and it even wasn't rare to see someone casually crying over some paper they were writing.

Besides that, there was the Starbucks within the library that provided Lance with as much caffeine as he could ask for, which didn't really make studying any easier but definitely made him feel more productive. It was where he could be found right now, standing in the monstrously long line and scrolling through his phone as he waited, slowly inching forward as the minutes passed by.

Hunk and Pidge were already seated. They'd taken one look at the line and said I think the fuck not before grabbing a table for the three of them. But Lance's veins were feeling suspiciously free of caffeine, so obviously that needed to be remedied immediately. Besides, he kind of had a tradition here.

When he rounded the corner, finally making it into the actual roped off section intended for the line instead of just snaking down the edge of the room, he let out a sigh of relief. The cute barista was working. Keith.

No matter how busy the Starbucks was, Keith always spared a minute or two to chat with Lance. Lance liked to think that that was due to a certain level of chemistry between the two of them. After all, though Keith liked to scoff and roll his eyes at the various pick-up lines Lance threw his way, he never objected to his advances. Not many people did, when anyone could be anyone's soulmate. That was part of the reason why Lance was such a notorious flirt, though he liked to think he'd be the same even if soulmates weren't a thing.

Lance didn't know much about his soulmate. No one did, before they met them. But he still had impressions of them, warm feelings in his chest when his soulmate was happy, and sharp, burning ones when they were mad. Lance loved these impressions of his soulmate, and he often wondered which feelings he projected to them the most.

He grinned when he finally got up to the counter, feeling a warm flush in his cheeks when Keith realized who was before him, his entire demeanor seeming to light up.

"Good morning," he said, his voice sounding more personable than it was with his other customers. "What can I get for you?"

"My regular, thanks," Lance said, before leaning forward on the counter. "Hey, you've got a little something on your face."

Keith frowned, lifting a hand. "Where?"

"Everywhere. It's gorgeous."

Keith blushed, then shook his head in exasperation. "That one was horrible."

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