The Shovel Talk

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broganes *fistpump*

The Shovel Talk



Back in Keith’s earlier years, him getting into fights wasn’t a rare occurrence. Shiro has seen Keith endure bloody noses, split lips, black eyes, sprained ligaments and the occasional broken bone but a broken heart? It would hurt Keith more than any bodily damage he’s ever suffered.

It's why Shiro decides he and Lance haven't hung out in a while. He should fix that.


The shovel talk fic absolutely nobody asked for.


Work Text:

It all starts with a series of seemingly ordinary texts. Or, well, as ordinary as texts amongst their regular group of friends could be.

Mclame: alright, first of all, whoever changed my name to mclame, don’t be fucking rude

Mclame: second of all, we’re meeting at Anne’s Friday evening kthnxbye

ca$hmoney: wow when did you learn what commas are?

koGAYne: culprit found

ca$hmoney: I am innocent until proven guilty.

Mclame: been rehearsing that one for a government scandal haven’t u, pidge

ca$hmoney: maybe so

hubba hubba: What’s the occasion?

hubba hubba: Also does Keith really want to hang out at the place he also works at?

koGAYne: Idc I get a discount

Mclame: and for ur first question hunk, my dear man, I have something I need to tell u guys and it’s something I want to tell in person bc it’s v important to me

Space Daddy: For the record, I do not appreciate my name change, but to clarify

Space Daddy: Friday evening, Anne’s Café?

Shiro doesn't think much of it for the rest of the week, other than the occasional curiosity that piques him. Generally, Lance’s idea of newsworthy information is a little different from Shiro’s. Of course, Shiro knows that doesn't make it any less important to Lance, so he’ll go, of course.

However, come Friday, Shiro ends up being marginally late, only by about fifteen minutes. Usually, he’s much more prompt but he accidentally let the date slip his mind until Keith texted him, asking if he was on his way, to which he replied that yes, of course, he was right around the corner, because with how much he was rushing, it wasn’t going to be a lie. He has an image to hold up, being the responsible one and all. He does take a little pride in being the Dad Friend™.

When Shiro does step into the café, the doorbell chiming over his head, the whole gang is already situated at their usual round booth, off to the left corner of the establishment beside a tall row of windows. They hardly notice Shiro’s presence, already engaged in some ridiculous debate that has them poking fun at each other. It’s Pidge who notices Shiro first, waving a hand fervently and calling out his name.

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