To Bite, Or Not to Bite

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ok peeps, so i've read this one more times than i can count by now. lol. it's so good, and the way the artist portrays vampire!lance, it's just
anyways, found here:

To Bite, or Not To Bite


"...And we'll all be on our best behavior, right Lance?"

Lance blinked, registering the tail end of Allura's speech as she said his name. "Totally, Princess." He punctuated this with a pair of finger guns that clearly said I've been listening to you this entire time. Allura just sighed.

"You haven't been listening to any of the debriefing, have you?"

"Yes I have!" Lance argued, offended.

"Oh, yeah? So you're not going to do or say anything wildly inappropriate when they drink blood in front of you?"

"What?!" Lance exclaimed, hastily looking around at his fellow paladins to see if Allura was joking. They all looked unimpressed. "All right, you got me, I wasn't listening. They're not really going to drink blood, are they?"

"Yes, they are," Allura said, unamused. "As I said before, they're what you earthlings would call a 'vampiristic' species."

"We're about to meet VAMPIRES?" Lance exclaimed. "How the hell did I zone out for that!?"

"They're perfectly capable of compassion and kindness, so we will treat them with respect. They were the ones to reach out about teaming up against Zarkon, so -"

"Hold up," said Lance, cutting off Allura and garnering sharp glances from everyone. Lance brushed them aside. "Are you sure we should be trusting vampires? What if they're just trying to lure in a nice snack?!"

"They're not."

"How do you know that?" Lance persisted. "Besides, the way you're talking about them... it's like you don't completely trust them either."

Allura stiffened. "Alteans have not had the best history with their kind, but that's in the past now. We need more allies against Zarkon, and they've offered."
"Am I the only one who sees how bad of an idea this is?"

"You're being prejudiced, Lance," said Pidge. "These are real people. The only vampires you know of are the made up ones in books and movies."

No one was willing to side with Lance despite the many other good points he brought up, and finally they were landing and exiting the ship on the vampire planet. Many people (vampires) were milling around, and an important looking one came up to greet Allura.

"Princess," he said, and he grabbed her hand and kissed it. "How nice to see you again."

"Again?" Lance whispered, giving Hunk a Look. Hunk, at least, seemed as nervous as Lance. Maybe now he was regretting not siding with him earlier.

"Yes, again," said the vampire, apparently having heard Lance. Oh God, all those vampire legends were true, weren't they? Voltron was literally at the hands of a murderous super-powered species. "We do not age, nor do we die of natural causes. We've adapted naturally due to our inability to reproduce."

"Paladins, this is Drair, one of the oldest of his kind," Allura cut in, and they all hastened to greet him formally. After that, they were led to a great hall, where many vampires were seated, waiting. They were unnaturally still, and plenty of them were holding glasses, the liquid inside leaving their lips stained red.

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