It Started Like This

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it started like this


They'd been dating for two weeks, in a happy, accidental sort of way.

It started like this:

"Fuck, Shiro - the ceiling's crumbling. I don't think we're going to make it." It was Lance who said it, still holding tightly to Keith's hand - his fingers somehow warm, through both of their sets of gloves - while eyeing the ceiling above them. Large cracks adorned it, branching off in every direction, and dust and pebbles were continually raining down on them, making a trickling sound as they struck their helmets.

"Just keep it up," Shiro encouraged them over the comms, the desperation in his voice just barely bleeding through. "Come on, you're almost there!"

It was funny. Lance had groaned about drawing the short straw, quipping something about the fact that he'd have to do the underground portion of the mission with Keith, who'd sent a scathing comment back Lance's way - it was just the way they operated, really - but really, Keith would rather be in a crumbling cave with Lance than anyone else. He knew he was fighting in an intergalactic space war, knew he faced new and horrifying evils every day, and he thought having Lance's face be the last thing he ever saw might not be the worst thing in the world.

The two of them pick up the pace, somehow, their legs dying underneath them. Keith's legs had stopped protesting, stopped burning, a while ago. He couldn't even feel them anymore, and he knew if he thought about it too much, he'd trip and go flying over himself.

It was just as they were reaching what Keith surely thought must be the end that they came across a huge wall of rock. A wall that hadn't been there before.

Keith realized what had happened immediately. The ceiling had already collapsed here, caging them in, and the rest of the cave was shaking and coming apart all around them. They wouldn't last long.

The look of horror Lance sent him crushed the grudging sense of acceptance that had been washing over Keith. He tried to escape with a newfound determination, letting go of Lance's hand so that he could pull at the wall, at the chunks of rock and sizeable boulders that he knew he'd never be able to move, that he knew only had more of the same behind them.

Lance gasped as a crack rent the air and more rock crashed to the ground at his feet, nearly crushing him underneath it. That's when Keith gave up. He just marched over to Lance, shoved him into the corner, and clambered onto his lap. Lance didn't even question it, didn't protest. He just hugged Keith to him, jerking every time the rumbling got louder, every time more rock joined them on the floor, seemingly closer and closer to their corner all the while.

They'd been in contact with Shiro, with Coran and Allura and the rest of the team, but nobody knew what to do. They were yelling over the comms, trying to figure out a solution, but it was all up to them at this point. Keith muted his, his head hurting. He didn't want their frantic voices to be the last thing he ever heard.

Keith pressed a button on his helmet, then, making his visor disintegrate.

"Keith - the dust," Lance protested idly. "You'll breathe it in."

"I don't care," Keith said, before reaching out and pressing the same button on Lance's helmet, who blinked in confusion. The ground shook violently underneath them, making them both flinch, which was when Keith leaned in even closer. "Lance..." he whispered. "I'm... Just once, I want to be able to..."

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