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(i am sosososso sorry my bf requested a smut so here we are. )



The Royal Altean Guard was the best in the nearby galaxies. Everyone on it, Altean or not, was loyal to the royal family and Altea herself. Now, Keith, a newer member of the guard, was no exception. He owed everything to King Alfor, for letting him join the guard despite his heritage. Though, everyone knew that he was only considered trustworthy because of his mother, Krolia, one of the first Galrans to join the Altean guard, though she was long retired to live in peace with her human husband on Earth. Keith, a young half-breed, had been apart of the guard for about a year before he was assigned this new position with someone he’d barely talked to before. Alfor had asked Keith personally to be the personal bodyguard to his rambunctious nephew, Lance of the cort McClain. Lance had been known to both befriend and court…. questionable people, and go to…. questionable places. And so, to just make sure he would be safe, Lance had finally agreed to let his uncle hire a personal bodyguard for when he came for his stay at the castle, which would be permanent if the his duties called for it.

Now Lance was strolling down to the grand hall where his uncle was waiting to greet him. Lance had always adore the man, and had honestly been trying to be on time. Even if he would be a few minutes late, he knew that the aging king wouldn’t mind all that much. It was only the traffic of travelling that had made Lance late. He’d been running over everything he knew of this Keith in his mind as he walked, long strides quickening as he neared the door. The guards let him pass through no problem, and Lance broke into a gin when he saw the back of the man he oh-so-adored, speaking to someone that Lance couldn’t fully see. But only a moment later, Alfor turned and Lance couldn’t stop himself from jogging over to throw his arms around him. Lance’s parents had three other children, Veronica, Luis, and Marco, and though Lance was the oldest, it meant nothing to Alteans as they tended to prefer children that had most potential, like Lance’s siblings. And Lance knew that his parents loved him dearly, despite the little attention that they gave him, and so he grew to think of Alfor as much more of a father figure than Lance’s actual parent, with how Alfor treated him with just as much love and respect as his cousin Allura, the next in line for the throne.

“Lance, it’s wonderful to see you.” the older man said as he pulled away from the hug, with a warm smile towards Lance.

Lance nodded, stepping back politely. “It’s good to see you, too, Uncle.”

“I’d love to sit and catch up with you, but I’m afraid I have a meeting to attend to, so it’ll have to wait until dinner. For your stay, no matter how permanent, you already know that I’ve assigned a bodyguard for you. Tensions are remarkably high as of late, and I’d prefer if my favorite nephew stayed safe. So, this is Keith,” Alfor gestured to who he had been talking to as Lance had walked in, and he looked at him for the first time.

The man in front of Lance was Galran. There was no doubt about that. Though, it was still obvious that he was a half breed. His skin was pale and where his eyes would usually be glowing yellow were white. On each cheek was the infamous, light purple mark of an aristocrat in Galran society. Most Galrans with such markings originated from a planet not too far from Altea herself, the species procreating with Galrans from Daibazaal, thus creating the aristocrats of the population. He had soft, inky black hair that fell into his eyes, making Lance wonder when the last time Keith had gotten a haircut. His ears were strangely rounded instead of the usual Galran point, and he was tiny. Slightly shorter tht Lance himself, and Galrans usually towered over himself and Alfor, so that meant he was absolutely tiny .

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