HomeSick at Space Camp

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ok lovelies.... i promised you klangst!

Homesick at Space Camp


Thank you thank you thank you again for reading, I hope you enjoy the story!

Chapter 1: The Road to Hell is Paved With Your Shocking Incompetence

Chapter Text

Lance wiped sweat out of his eyes again, panting heavily as his whole body shook from over-exertion. He looked around the training area frantically, sniping one long range target then another, two melee fighters coming in to rush Pidge from the flank. Pidge was equally worn out, using all of the strength she had to keep the focus of the many close-combat targets trying to overrun their two-man team. Lance dropped one more rushing melee target with a headshot, but as soon as the gladiator hit the floor, a sniper target blasted Pidge with a shot from the far corner of the room.

Lance doubled-over, panting with his hands on his knees while Pidge lay in a heap on the floor for what felt like the thousandth time. They were in the middle of a training exercise designed to make use of tactical team comps. Lance was supposed to be covering Pidge while she engaged close range targets, but he couldn't keep up. Every time he dropped a long range target, a new gladiator would come running at her from a different direction, helping the close combat attackers break her defense. And, naturally, every time he managed to defend her from new combatants, one or both of them would end up getting sniped from a distance. Lance just couldn't seem to broaden his scope of the map, and each new failure frayed his nerves more, causing him to try to focus more intently, which only served to narrow his vision even more. The worst part was that he knew what was happening, and he just couldn't un-grit his teeth and fix it. He'd been trying to keep things light, making jokes about how “-that gladiator was smoking hot, how was I supposed to shoot her when she was tossing me those bedroom eyes? I mean, come on, rude,” but they quickly became grating even for him.

He didn't even bother commenting as Pidge groaned on the ground this time, feeling completely nonplussed.

Across the room, Shiro sighed. Lance had watched his composure crack a little more with each new failure, and it hurt more than he wanted to admit. It wasn't like he was trying to fail. He knew if this were a real battle without anyone judging him on a darn point system he'd have no problem loosening up. He was an excellent shot.

Shiro pinched the bridge of his nose, obviously coming to the end of his rope. “Come on Lance, just focus. Keith and Hunk figured this out an hour ago.”

“Seriously man, your situational awareness is crap. Why aren’t you relaxing so you can take in more of the area? Do you want to get shot?” Keith complained loudly, arms gesturing wildly in frustration.

Lance stiffened like he'd just been stabbed, vision narrowing into pinpricks.

Of course. Of course Keith.

Shiro realized his mistake too late, and Lance watched his face fall with a grim satisfaction as he felt his own mouth start running on autopilot. “Oh, I'm sorry, I was just kidding that time! Let me just put on my serious pants real quick. Oh quiznak, looks like I'm already wearing them! Too bad then, guess I'll just never be as good as fucking Keith.”

And with an uncharacteristic violence that startled even him, Lance threw down his bayard and stormed off the training deck.

The remaining paladins looked from Keith to Shiro, Pidge hardly bothering to lift her head off the floor before she dropped it back down with a thunk.

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