99c Dreams

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99¢ Dreams



Lance works at a corner store to make a little extra money for his family. The most interesting part of his day is usually chasing out the ducks from the lake down the street that come to steal bread - that is, until his old rival, Keith, walks in.

Chapter 1: Pink Lady


“Do you like Pink Lady or Granny Smith apples?”

Chapter Text

Lance worked at a 99¢ corner store. The building itself was a left over memory from a big, European building boom that had to have happened least a hundred years ago. While it was a very nice place, it was ridiculously old, and didn’t have air conditioning that worked well. The intricate wall runners and the delicate awning collected dust like it was going out of fashion and sometimes the front door got a little stuck on the floor which meant he had to scrub out the resulting smudge.

At least he didn’t have to wear a uniform. The owner of the store – or at least, he was the guy that ordered Lance around – only insisted he wear a plain apron, which wasn’t too bad. It wasn’t like many people came in during his shifts, anyway.

He lived in a really quaint town, after all. He quite liked it. They had a big supermarket only a few streets over so that was where most people bought their groceries, but the little 99¢ store still made enough to pay the bills, the employees and the farmers it got produce from while still maintaining a small profit margin. It was definitely some sort of miracle, Lance thought, considering he never really got that many customers.

Sometimes that lack of customers led to him getting very bored. He was the type of guy who needed a lot of stimulation to function properly, which led to him rearranging shelves and fixing the bouquets flowers they sold in front of the store a dozen times a day. Regardless, he still spent ages slumped over the front desk or using the magazine stand as his own personal library, though Coran insisted he shouldn’t. The highlight of his day was often chasing out the giant ducks that waddled in from the lake down the street in order to steal bread.

One afternoon, when it was raining, he got a customer that was not a duck. He’d seen this particular boy around – it was hard to miss his hideous mullet – but he’d never been to Lance’s store before. He looked around like the store was incredibly foreign and it put Lance off a little. He knew the store got a bit of flak for being cheap and old, but there wasn’t anything wrong with it. Sure, they didn’t carry any of the big brands and their produce wasn’t all perfect, but the price was ridiculously good and everything was bough fresh from farmers.

When Lance’s family was tight on money, they’d always shop here. Everything tasted the same as branded food, anyway, and who cared if his apples had a bruise or two? He certainly didn’t, even if his mother only sighed at them when she thought no one was looking.

“Can I help you?” Lance asked, and yeah maybe he didn’t sound as friendly as he could have but he knew Keith wouldn’t care. He never had, after all; Lance was convinced they’d had some sort of rivalry at one point, though it was a long time ago.

Keith stiffened like a startled cat and gave Lance a thin look. It was like he hadn’t noticed Lance at all, which was infuriating. Lance was almost disappointed when Keith walked over to him and held out a small slip of paper. “I need these things,” he said expectantly.

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