Part 1: He's Real

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You came back from school and sighed.

"Ahm bored," you complained to your cat as he meowed, wanting you to pet him.

You grabbed your sketch book and plopped down on your bed. You started to draw an anime version of your favorite fictional character in the whole world. Herobrine. Boy, did you have a crush on him! Everytime you heard Herobrine's name, you would squeal and completely fangirl.

Once you finished the drawing, you tore it out of your sketch book and locked it in a drawer. Your cat, Moe, looked at you, as if he was confused.

"I know I don't have to, considering it's only me here," you explained to Moe, "But, everytime I start to draw Herobrine, I feel like someone's watching..."

But, someone is... Said a voice in your head.

"What the Hell? Who was that?!" you screeched, trying to scare off whoever you thought whispered.

The voice went silent. That's what I thought, You thought smugly. After playing with Moe for a while, and trying to avoid him eating your elbow, you decided to play some Minecraft. You sat down in your swivel chair and spun for a minute, waiting for Minecraft to load up. Once it did, you chose the world you named (favorite world).

"(MC username) has joined the game" the text read.

You smiled broadly and plugged in earbuds to your phone. Which was loading up Mah-Dry-Bread's reading of Herobrine's Creepypasta. (I don't think he's read that one yet. Go look it up on YouTube if you want.) As soon as your world loaded up, and you paused YouTube, you went to find the deepest cave in your world.

You finally found the cave after about an hour of searching. You unpaused YouTube and began mining. You thought you saw a figure fly by at the top of your screen while you were in a ravine, but you shrugged it off.

You thought all was well after you left the cave with a whopping 20 diamonds. Feeling very proud of your prize, you pressed F3 and followed the coordinates until you got to your house.

"Ha! I could've never been so lucky!" you squealed in delight, "Not only did I find twenty diamonds, but I got out of the cave right as daytime struck!"

A sudden text appeared in the chat, "Hello," it said, "I'd like to meet you, (MC username), compare looks. What do you think?"

"Erm... That's odd... I thought I was in Single Player..." you thought aloud.

More chat appeared. "You are." it read, "By the way, my coordinates are x: -123, and y: 60"

You stared at the screen, dumbfounded. How...? How did this... Person... Hear me? Must be some computer whiz that hacked into my microphone... I might as well go to his coords. No harm can come to that. you thought. You put all of your important items in your Ender Chest, knowing that whoever was in your world couldn't kill you and take your diamonds away.

~Le Time Skip~

You were at the person's given coordinates, but whoever it was wasn't there. Until, the person popped in front of your character.

"Gah!" you screamed.

You knew exactly who this was now. Your crush. The not-so-fictional Creepypasta. Herobrine.

"Surprised?" said the chat box.

You just stared. Excited, terrified, and extremely happy, all at the same time.

"I guess you are." you thought you imagined the deep, gruff, extremely sexy voice behind you, "Nope, sorry hun, but I'm real."

You flipped around to face him. The white, glowing eyes. The stubble on his chin. His trademark cyan shirt and blue jeans. You gasped. "H-how?!" you stammered, "Y-you're not sup-posed to exist!"

"Oh, but I do. But I do." the tall figure of Herobrine smirked.

Author's Note: How do ya like it so far? And, incase you didn't read the description, you may suggest ideas or characters to be inputted into the story! I will read every comment, so don't get discouraged! :D

Herobrine x Reader: The Lover with Fire in His EyesWhere stories live. Discover now