Part 11: Memories, Memories

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You started breathing heavily. Your heart was racing and you were quickly becoming angrier with every breath. You clenched your fists together, your nails digging into your skin. You couldn't think at all, until something started to slither into your mind like a snake. It was a different feeling than anger, it was love. Love for Herobrine. You gasped.

"S-so th-this is wh-what H-Herobrine mean-nt..." you said to yourself, trying to pull out words from your almost completely blank head.

And then it happened. You couldn't withstand the overflowing emotions that were anger, hate, and love for Herobrine. You passed out on the floor with a thump.


You woke up on a much bigger bed than the one Herobrine gave you. It had curtains around it that could be both opened and closed and the blanket was soft and fluffy.

Herobrine appeared in the room.

"You like it? I decided to give your room a bit of flare." he said, "Oh, and I also got you this,"

Herobrine pulled out from behind a red dress covered in sparkling redstone dust. It even had shoes and a golden tiara to match. He winked at you.

"Why don't you wear this to dinner? It starts in about ten minutes." he told you, obviously happy by something.

You just grunted in reply, rubbing your head. You were searching your memories for something. Something, or someone, else you loved other than Herobrine. But you couldn't pull it out. Every memory you thought you had of it, Herobrine replaced it. When you hid in a hole, you were playing a game of hide and seek. When Herobrine took you back to his mansion when you ran off, there was a rouge zombie attacking you and Herobrine killed it.

What was odd about that zombie though, was that it didn't just fall to the floor and disappear like zombies should. It was hunched over on the ground, looking at you with a weak smile of compassion as it died. Its eyes flashed to a magnificent blue for a second, but then it fell to the floor, dead.

By the time you finished remembering, Herobrine had already left. You decided to put on the dress Herobrine gave you and then walked to the dining room where Herobrine sat. Herobrine patted on a chair next to you to signal for you to sit next to him. You did as he asked and sat down.

"You look beautiful, (y.n)." he complemented.

"Thanks," you said subconsciously.

Herobrine snapped his fingers and food appeared. You politely stacked food on your plate and then dug in.

Once you finished, Herobrine yanked you into a kiss. The same strong feeling of love that appeared before you passed out came back. You couldn't help but kiss back. Herobrine stroked your hair and you intertwined your small fingers with his large ones.

He finally pulled away, much to your dismay. You wanted it to last forever.

Herobrine gained a wide smile and looked at you.

"Don't worry, there's more where that came from." he said as he left to his room.

You decided to not be creepy and left to your room.

" I wonder what he means by 'There's more where that came from'..." you wondered aloud.

Herobrine x Reader: The Lover with Fire in His EyesWhere stories live. Discover now