Part 20: Cats can be Smart

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You and Steve hadn't exactly been getting along so great since the "Face Stabbing Incident" about a month ago. Steve avoided you most of the time, especially at night. You just continued to stay up all night, being awake less and less during the day. You would easily snap at Steve too.

Neither of you got much sleep. During the day, Steve would keep you awake to go mine and do various other things. During the night, you would tap on the windows or start talking, rather loudly I might add, to some unseen force inside your head.

Irritable, as normal, you were shooting down cows and evil chickens. (I just really hate Minecraft chickens. I die every time I try to kill one. EVIL! EVIL I SAY!) Steve was chopping down trees, or whatever. You didn't care.

~Herobrine's POV~

I sat on my throne and sighed. That Notch damned sword! I knew something was up the moment Steve challenged me to battle. That thing caused me terrible pain, it was like it was laced with some kind of poison...

(y.n)'s cat, which she called Moe, jumped up on my lap and made himself comfortable on my legs. I'm not a big pet person, and everything in Minecraft knows that. But, I kept Moe around in case (y.n) made it back. Moe was odd. He warmed up to me right away and loved to scratch at the skeletons. The skeletons, of course, ran away for their lives.

I myself was having a fun time scaring the living daylights out of both Steve and (y.n). I still needed to find a way to get (y.n) back from Steve though. I tried to think, but Moe's constant meows didn't help at all.

"Shut up cat!" I screamed at him.

Moe just continued to meow, mockingly. Then he scratched my leg, ripping up my pants.

"Why you little..." I sneered.

Moe jumped off and I ran after him like a madman. The cat seemed to be enjoying himself. The little trouble maker... I didn't realise where he was taking me until he stopped. I looked around. The library? I asked myself.

Moe pulled out a book with his small paw and pushed it toward me.

"What do you want? Me to read this?" I asked the black and white cat.

Moe mewled in reply. I opened the book and read the first page.

"Potions? I know how to make every type of potion." I said.

Moe just looked at me with a "do you really?" look.

"Infinity potions are impossible! And why would I make an infinity invisibility potion? That's stupid." I argued.

Moe just gave a little sigh-like huff and turned to a page in the book.

Infinite potions are used for many things, such as infinite poison potions are used for trolling and infinite swiftness potions are use for vigorous builders. Infinite potions last forever. No matter how many times you respawn. It read.

"See." I said smugly. Moe looked at me angrily. "Fine." I sighed.

Although, infinite splash potions, unlike most potions, work on items and blocks. The infinite invisibility splash potion, when used on a block such as wood, will forever make that block invisible. It is a perfect method for hiding portals.

"And this is supposed to help me how?" I asked.

Moe sat down. Great. More to read.

There is one more potion that is unobtainable through neither survival or creative, as the one ingredient has to be hacked with a extremely difficult code. This potion is called the Forgetfulness Potion. It can be splashed on AI's, like monsters, to make them forget to attack you.

"Really? Perhaps I could use this on Steve to make him forget about me and (y.n)... It says the effect lasts about one hour." I said to Moe.

Moe had a satisfied aura to him after that. Smartass cat. I still don't know how he got that smart.

Anyway, I looked up the code to the ingredient. It was pushed way far back to the beginning of the search page. Yes. I used the Internet. From (y.n)'s computer. Apparently Notch only allowed one website to be made and it had to be way back there. I clicked on the website. The code was a ridiculous amount of ones and zeros and even a few twos.

"Time to code." I said.

Herobrine x Reader: The Lover with Fire in His EyesWhere stories live. Discover now