Part 15 (Christmas Special)

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Author's Note: This chapter will be mainly in Steve and Herobrine's POV's. Mainly because right now, you're a mindless robot who doesn't care about anything but Herobrine. And they will also be in first person.

                    ~Steve's POV~

Snow was falling, crisp, white, and fresh. It never snowed in my forest biome, save for once a year. It was Notchmas, or Christmas, as players would call it.

I smiled. Today was the day Notch would give me one gift. I hoped it would be something to aid in my quest to try and get (y.n) back to normal. I knew Herobrine was lying through his teeth when he said nothing was wrong with (y.n).

That glazed look in her now white, glowing eyes was unsettling. I knew she didn't want whatever happened to her.

"Notch, give me something! Anything! To destroy whatever spell Herobrine put on (y.n)!" I screamed to the gray sky.

              ~Herobrine's POV~

I sighed. Today was (y.n)'s first Notchmas, or Christmas, here, and she couldn't do shit. She was now just an empty shell of my creation. At least she couldn't hate me now... Or really feel anything toward me other than false love...

I hate this season so much because of this. It makes me feel bad for everything I've done.

Well, (y.n) was just standing around, as usual. Her glowing eyes illuminated the dark corner that she sat herself in, waiting for orders. In normal situations like this, I would have taken advantage over her as soon as she put her bottom in that corner, but I decided not to.

Her complete helplessness was tugging on my tiny, shriveled up heart, like a dog would if you tried to take its bone. I frowned. I wanted her to be conscious for the first year, but she couldn't.

I quietly chuckled, trying to block out the sadness. I was remembering all the times (y.n) had talked to me in the real world. Ever since that one Christmas when (y.n) got Minecraft, I believe she was 10, she started playing immediately. I just so happened to be searching around for players to haunt when I came across her. I stared through the small window-like monitor at her. She was adorable.

I made plans to kill her that night though, despite something in me begging not to. So, as soon as her parents were asleep, I teleported into her room. She was still awake, reading on her phone. I inched toward her. Then she looked up with not a scared look on her face, Hell, not even surprised. She looked confused, with those same kind, (eye color), eyes of hers. I must have smiled faintly, because she whispered out a faint question: "You're not mean, are you?"

For some odd reason, I shook my head, "No, at least, not now." I replied.

(y.n) gave me a kind smile. She put down her phone and stood up. I flinched. She took three quiet steps toward me and did what no normal person who knew who I was would do. She hugged me. I blushed. She was a very tall girl for her age, a full grown man would barely reach halfway up my chest. (y.n) was already up to my abdomen.

"You're very warm... Are you sick?" (y.n) squeaked out.

"No. I just live in a warm climate." I told her.

"Okay." she said, "What's your name, Mr.?"

I needed to think of something quick.

"You can call me Hero." I said quickly.

"That's a nice name.... I'm... (y.n)...." she said sleepily.

She was going to pass out. I gently picked up (y.n) and set her down on her bed. She was just so sweet... So....innocent...

After that night, I visited (y.n) quite frequently. We talked and (y.n)'s mother came in to check on (y.n) a few times.

"Hero, why do you hide from Mom?" she had asked.

"I... Um... Your mother probably wouldn't like me. Can we just keep my existence a secret?" I replied.

"Yes. I will." (y.n) assured.

She hugged me again.

The warm memory ended. Now I was seriously considering to put (y.n) back to her normal state. She would be happy. I could tell her who "Hero" really was! Maybe then she would actually love me!

Herobrine x Reader: The Lover with Fire in His EyesWhere stories live. Discover now