Part 18: Stave

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Steve grabbed your hand and dragged you to the portal. After going through, you just mindlessly scrambled after Steve with the picture of Herobrine lying on the floor in in his own blood kept going through your head.

When you finally reached Steve's house, you collapsed on the floor.

"(y.n)? Are you okay?" Steve asked, worried.

"Y-yeah... I-I'm okay..." you replied in a daze.

"Don't worry, I know Herobrine's not known for keeping his word... But he should know when he's defeated." Steve reassured, "And besides, if you're worried about his well-being, Herobrine will be just.... Fine..."

You nodded and crawled to your bed which Steve had kept tidy for you while you were kidnapped, a zombie, and many other things. You fell asleep quickly.

"Wildpath! Cassidy! We're back!" you said.

"Yup!" Wildpath and Cassidy replied.

"Hey Wildpath... Your eye is still white." you pointed out.

"It's not glowing anymore though! I forgot to tell you, I'm also half blind.." Wildpath replied, "Reason why you sometimes get blind sided by your emotions..." (Haha! Get it? I'm such a geek. :3)

"You're waking up! We won't see you again 'till you die! See ya then!" Cassidy said happily.

You woke up.

"Well then..." you said.

You got out of bed, only to see a shirtless Steve. You blushed madly and hid under your covers. Steve pulled up your blanket, fully clothed.

"Something up?" he asked.

"N-no..." you said.

"Well, why don't we mine or something?" Steve told you, smiling.

You agreed and pulled out your sword and pickaxe from your seemingly endless pocket.

"Um... Why don't you leave those here? I mean, incase Herobrine has a tracker on them..." Steve asked nervously, "In fact, why don't you... Uh... Change out of the dress too...? I... Erm... Have some pants and a shirt that are too small for me... I mean... I-if you want to..."

Steve was so red he looked like he was going to explode. You just nodded in agreement, hoping to ease Steve's nervousness. After shooing Steve out of the house, you chose a nice corner away from the door and changed into Steve's oddly fitting clothes. Then you shifted through Steve's chest and found an iron sword and pickaxe. You looked at the pick and sword Herobrine gave you.

"I'll keep the sword... Steve won't know." you mumbled.

You switched Steve's sword with Herobrine's and continued out of the door. Steve gave a relieved sigh and off you both went.

After what seemed to be days of fighting and mining, you and Steve finally escaped the cavern. It was night, how unlucky.

Herobrine x Reader: The Lover with Fire in His EyesWhere stories live. Discover now