Part 2: Miracles Can Happen

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Author's Note: I will update this story everyday because I have nothing better to do with my life. So, be happy that you only have to wait 12-36 hours if I left ya on a cliffhanger instead of a whole week.

You stared in horror. Herobrine laughed and then decided to shift around your room. You seized the chance and bolted for the door. You smacked into the door. But, it didn't feel like the cold, metallic door you should have hit. It was warm, warm as if you were sitting by the fire in your home. You looked up, and found that you had smacked right into Herobrine's chest. You blushed wildly and screamed, trying to distract him so you could run the opposite direction.

You ran toward the open window, but Herobrine grabbed you.

"Guess you're gonna be a tough one to get back to Minecraft while you're conscious, (MC username)." Herobrine smirked again, "Sleep"

"I ain't tired!" you screeched, struggling against his strong grip.

But, weakness was washing over you. You struggled for a few more minutes, before your vision faded and you blacked out.

You woke up in a square, red bed. "Wh-what? Where am I?" you asked yourself.

You heard footsteps coming toward your door. You launched under your bed as quick and quietly as you could. Go away! you thought. The footsteps came closer. Go away, go away, go away! The footsteps were right at your door.Goawaygoawaygoaway!!!! The door opened. SHIT!

"You can't cuss. You're too sweet to cuss." you knew that voice. Herobrine's. So it wasn't a dream.

"Come out of under that bed, (MC username)" Herobrine called.

"No! And how did you know I said shit?!" you screamed.

"I can read minds." he replied.

Herobrine suddenly grabbed your foot and dragged you out from under your bed with you kicking and screaming.

"Shut up! Yeesh, (MC usename), you're annoying. Just calm down." Herobrine said as you whined.

"My name is not (MC username)! That's just my username! My name is (your name)!" you screamed at him.

"Fine, (name), but just cooperate!" Herobrine retorted.

"Cooperate with what?! Dying?!" you screeched.

"Pff. No. I thought you had a crush on me, Ms. DrawHerobrineAllTheTime." Herobrine smirked as he emphasized the word "crush" as you blushed madly.

You just sat there as he dragged you by your shirt. Herobrine took you to a large room with a table.

"What's this for?" you asked, annoyed.

"Dinner, idiot." Herobrine replied, also annoyed.

You still just sat on the floor, angrily mumbling nasty stuff about Herobrine. Herobrine obviously heard you, as he smacked you and plopped you on a chair next to him.

"How long have I been out?" you asked.

"Oh, just a few days." Herobrine calmly said as food appeared out of nowhere.

You saw the food, and realised that after a few days of no eating, you were starving. You stuffed your face full off food. Herobrine laughed at your puffed up cheeks, full with as much steak as you could fit in your mouth.

"Steeeeeaaaaak..." you said, stuffing more steak in your mouth.

Herobrine looked at you. "Aren't you supposed to eat vegetables too, in your world?" he asked.

"Well... Being human, I'm an omnivore, so, I kinda have to eat vegetables. But, I ain't no omnivore! Steeeeeaaaaak!" you replied. Stuffing even more steak in your face.

Herobrine laughed even more.

"Why don't you eat?" you asked through a mouthful of potatoes.

Herobrine looked at you for a moment. "I just don't. I don't think you'd like to know my true backstory anyway..."

Author's Note: Depending on circumstances, I may start updating once a week instead of everyday. >:3 Muahahaha. I'm so evil.

Herobrine x Reader: The Lover with Fire in His EyesWhere stories live. Discover now