Part 5: Meet Steve

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~Herobrine's POV~

"Stupid girl!" Herobrine raged, "Stupid, stupid, idiotic girl!"

Herobrine continued ranting, his hands on fire and his eyes glowing feircly. He stormed out of the cave.

He smirked as he went to the portal, "I guess what I have planned for (y.n) is coming sooner than I thought."

~Your POV~

You continued running for as long as your legs would allow you. Once you couldn't run anymore, you sat down and put down the baby Creeper.

"He... Shouldn't... Find us... Here..." you heaved.

Suddenly, you heard footsteps. You ran into a nearby hole and set a block of stone in front. The footsteps came closer. You peeked outside your hole and saw, or you thought you saw, Herobrine. You struggled to hold back a gasp. Herobrine turned toward your little hole. You could finally get a good look at him. Instead of blazing white eyes, he had ocean blue eyes, they were magnificent.

"Come out." he said, "I won't hurt you."

You realised you were still staring at him, in complete sight. You picked up the baby Creeper and broke the block of stone.

"What's that you have there?" the man asked.

"Just a dud Creeper." you replied.

"Oh, a dud? Hmm, well, anyway, I'm Steven. But you can call me Steve." he said in a much less demanding tone than Herobrine.

"Erm... Hi Steve. My name's (y.n)" you said.

"Interesting name!" complimented Steve, "So, how'd you get here? Did Notch add another AI?"

"N-not exactly..." you replied, making an embarrassed laugh, "I kinda got... Kidnapped by... Herobrine..."

Steve looked at you with complete shock. "And you escaped?!" he asked, interested.

"How should I put this..." you said, trying to find the right words, "He made me fall asleep while he was in my room and then he dragged me off to his mansion in who knows where, and he told me he loved me. That's why he didn't kill me. But then he took me to this cave to mine with him and I brought this little Creeper to him and that's when he tried to kill me, I think. He tried to tackle me with his hands on fire." you explained.

Stevery looked at you with even more shock. "He said... He... Loved you?!" Steve asked.

You nodded and Steve seemed to form an idea in his head.

"Why don't we go to my place then? You'll be safe there." Steve said.

"Sure!" you replied happily.

Off you both went to Steve's house. It wasn't much, but it was on top of a hill, making it hard for mobs to reach. Steve walked over to his crafting table and made a bed for you. Then he placed it on the opposite corner from his bed.

"It's getting dark," Steve observed, "Better get to sleep."

You and Steve waved goodnight and went off to your beds. You fell asleep quickly.

You woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. Herobrine had set you on fire and was watching you burn. You decided to look out the window to calm you down. It did the opposite. Staring at you through the window was Herobrine. He had an extremely hurt expression on his face, but under that, you could see a smile slowly form on his face. You screamed, and Herobrine disappeared.

Steve came rushing to your bedside. "What's wrong?!" he asked, wide awake.

"H-H-Herobrine! H-he's c-coming t-to get m-me!" You spluttered out.

Steve looked at you, concerned. "Don't worry, (y.n), I won't let him."

Herobrine x Reader: The Lover with Fire in His EyesWhere stories live. Discover now