Part 10: The Dream That's Not a Dream

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You woke up to the sound of a cat meowing. You looked toward the sound and saw Moe sitting at the foot of your bed. You were so happy to hear that cat's mewl for food.

"It was a dream! My God it was a dream!" you happily screamed.

You picked up Moe and jumped out of your bed, twirling around.

"Ha! No Mark! No drama! No love! No nothing! Not even a broken heart!" you screamed.

You sat down, squeezing Moe tightly.

"This is why I don't care for men, especially brothers. Then I don't have to choose and I don't get lied to! It's just how it should be! Me, you, and---" you were interrupted.

"Herobrine," came Herobrine's deep voice.

Your mood had changed real quick. You backed up into the corner of your bed, burying your face between Moe's shoulder blades. Fuck! I should've known that that dream was too lengthy and too full of fucking emotions to be fake! You silently cursed in your head.

"You think? Don't you know how I felt? Betraying me for that goddamn goody two shoes Steve?!" Herobrine's tone suddenly became angry, "I try everything I possibly can to make you happy! But no! Just because I lost my temper once you run off and go try to live with fucking Steve!"

Herobrine continued ranting. The only person you could handle ranting like that was yourself. And even then your mind would wander off. You started thinking of what your life would be like right now if you hadn't have had a crush on Herobrine in the first place. Hell, if you didn't play Minecraft in the first place, you could have been working as an (your favorite career choice) now! Your mind was brought back to reality when Herobrine mentioned Moe.

"I even went back to your world and got that stupid cat so you would maybe stop the silent treatment! You know, I could've just locked you in your room until you broke and would do anything to stay out of there! But I decided to ACTUALLY GIVE A FUCK AND LET YOU DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANTED! I DIDN'T HAVE TO DO A FUCKING THING! I COULD HAVE DONE WHAT I DO TO EVERYONE ELSE! I COULD'VE MURDERED YOUR UNGRATEFUL ASS!" Herobrine screeched as his hands lit in a blazing fury.

Herobrine was now officially full-blown pissed. You shrank back into the corner, clutching Moe. Your eyes started to well up with tears as Herobrine continued screeching angrily at you. You couldn't handle people being mad at you (probably why you got so many good grades). You wiped your eyes, not wanting to show any weakness in case Herobrine tried to take advantage.

Herobrine finally left, huffing and puffing angrily. You were thankful Herobrine didn't notice your wet eyes. As soon as you couldn't hear any footsteps, you let the tears lose. You started rambling to calm yourself down. Moe was scared out of his wits and was hiding under your bed.

You went to your bathroom to wipe your eyes because your shirt and pillow were both drenched in tears. You grabbed a towel and wiped your eyes in front of the mirror. You finished wiping your eyes and looked up. Something that couldn't be you stared back from the glass. One eye was completely white and glowing, while the other was still your normal, (e.c) eye, it was glowing and your pupil and iris were fading away quickly. You screamed.

"No no! This can't be happening! No!"

You suddenly had an urge to kill. You punched the wall.

"This... Cannot... Be... Happening..." you said to yourself.

Herobrine x Reader: The Lover with Fire in His EyesWhere stories live. Discover now