16 || Famous and Hate

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Author's Pov:

It's been three weeks now, the group became more famous and known by every people even international.

Even having a fan meeting, there are more boy's to there fan meeting instead of girls.

AT THE HOUSE - SEPT. 20 - 5:27 pm.

Seungyoun: " this is odd, there are so many fan boys at Y/n! "

Hangyul: " yeah, and we can tell that for sure. "

You: " Ohh please you just jealous 😂 Nah I'm joking around. "

Eunsang: " are you using magical thingy to attract them? "

You: " what? Umm no ●︿●"

Yohan: " why are you doing that face? "

You: " what face ●︿● "

Yohan: " ughh, I gave up. "

Minhee: " Y/n! are you joining with us later at night? With Hyeongjun "

You: " of course, hey Dongpyo? - what's wrong? "

Seungwoo: " his been depressed since last two days ago. I told him that, just ignore the social media around him. " he confront Dongpyo.

Wooseok: " seriously though if I heard or read one more thing about him, I'll tear them apart.

Hyeongjun: " to be honest, no one deserves this not even all of us... "

You: " Dongpyo-ahh ~ don't worry about it, as long as we here we will protect you and made you stay away this bullshit stop. "

Seungyoun: " GIRL! 😂 YOUR LANGUAGE! "

You: " if someone interfere one of you, I'll make sure they won't make it until tomorrow alive... "

Junho: " that's creepy... *shiver* "

Yohan: " she's telling the truth though, one time someone bullied me all day, I told Y/n and after that, they were all at the hospital 😂 - wait 😲 are they still alive? "

You: " of course they are 😒 but I made sure they won't reproduce 🙂 "

Hangyul: " *choke* ughhh... I've never thought your this kind of tough image! "

Dohyun: " I think I should stop messing her around 😣 "

Seungwoo: " isn't that kinda bad for them having that kind of punishment? "

You: " nope they deserve it 😃 after all there just useless piece of shit - " Wooseok cover her mouth off.

Wooseok: " okkkk!!! I can't allowed you to talk like that!? "

Minhee's Pov:

After the discussions Me, Y/n and the rest of the maknae line were having fun at night.

Y/n is keeping close at Dongpyo so no one else judge him.

" I'm kinda jealous... " I heard Eunsang murmured around.

" your what? " I ask him.

" W-what!? Ahh! Junho!!! do you remember what I tell you the other day? " his talking nonsense right now 😑

" I don't know, what your talking about? " Junho implied and the two of them just dozed off each other.

Dongpyo's Pov:

I was kinda felt bad for the Hyung's and even Y/n making them worried bout me, if only I can take care of myself just like Y/n.

" Y/n? Since when you stood up for yourself? I'm just kinda curious. " I asked her while walking.

" hmm, to be honest it's been so long since middle school. " she spoke while thinking.

" is that so? " I said.

" well if that happened? When it starts? " Minhee interrupt our conversation and became curious as well.

" well you guy's, know I've also a former martial arts and taekwondo, well I just need to defend myself against them. They always hated me and I didn't careless about there bullshit - oops! sorry wrong word 😂 hahah! " she laughed at her own self.

" please don't tell Wooseok and Seungwoo! 😣" she pleaded.

" don't worry, they won't know your not the only one like that 😏 " Dohyun said and we we're shocked to hear that from him!?

" OMO!? " Hyeongjun shook his head.

" Hahah!!! are we going to reveal every secret! We have 😏" Eunsang complain and we just laugh at it.

After that we went to a cinema to watch some movies and eat outside. They truly are great friends I wish this won't end.

" Y/n~ thank you for everything! " I hug her and she hug me back.

" heheh! Just remember I'm always here! - oh? Is that a saesang? " she stop talking and look directly at those girls?

" HEY?! ARE YOU FOLLOWING US? " she shout at them and they were about to run off. She was about following them.

" Y/n? Don't " Junho calm her down.

" tsk! They don't know what privacy mean Heh? I think I saw that person before? " she mumbled something and put her arm's around me.

" let's go home " Eunsang said and we just didn't want to talk about that ever again.

" if I saw those shit again, I'll make sure they won't live... "

" how about a nice ice cream to calm you down? 😅 " Minhee worried and we all agree with that.

No one's Pov:

Heh, nice life eh?

I'll make sure your life will turn around let's see what you can do Y/n.

(A/N: there's a reason why I'm putting date's and time as well in this book 🙂

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