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"What the hell is wrong with you, you are disgusting." a girl shouted.

"I-I am really s-sorry I didn't m-mean it, I was j-just..." I apologized in a very low tone.

"Ugh! nevermind you fool." the girl shouted and left her while I was cleaning the mess.

Everything was messy and I felt the gaze piercing my skin. Tears left the eyes but I guess my hair was habituated to hide those tears.

Bell rang~

"So students here is your result of last week's test, I am gonna call your names here, come here one by one," Mrs.Brown informed the students.

She started to call out the names one by one and at last, she asked me to stand up.

"So, our precious Bella, would you please try to give me an explanation about your excellent grade, you have got a big fat F, only 4 out of 100, students please clap for her for her achievement." she handed me the sheet and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

I just stood there still without showing any emotion. Even my eyes were tired of crying, it looks like I have been crying for years and years and now my tears have deserted my eyes but fortunately, no my tears are still my friends.

Everybody was laughing and teasing and calling me names.

Mrs.brown shouted and the class turned silent.

"Will you please answer me?" Mrs. brown shouted sarcastically.

"I-I a-am so-sorry miss," I asked for forgiveness.

"Let's meet your parents on the meeting day of this month."

I just nodded my head silently in agreement.

Bell rang~

"Class dismiss."Mrs. Brown left the classroom.

"You will never change, you a piece of shit." a group of girls passed by me giggling.

Time was passing like a snail. Everything was monotonous, tasteless. It felt like someone is living like a zombie.

I reached home~

"I am back," I said while removing my shoes.

"How was your result Bella." my mom asked me.

I handed her the result.

"What the hell is wrong with you Bella, we have given you everything but you just can't concentrate on your studies." mom scolded me.

"I am sorry mom."I apologies

"A sorry will not help you, you are just becoming worse day by day..." mom gave me a lecture for half an hour.

"I am sorry mom, I know this is my mistake mom." I took my bag and left for my room.

I changed my dress and stood in front of the mirror and the whole day's flashback started to run in my mind like a recorder.

A tear left her eyes and I again started to apologize "I am sorry, I am sorry, I know I am selfish, I am sorry."

I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes.

At dinner~

"Bella why are you being selfish, your mom said that you are not concentrating on your studies, you are always alone and sad, why Bella we love you and you are paying like this?" my dad asked me.

"I am sorry dad, I will try to become a good daughter," I said without any emotion.

Dinner finished in silence.

In bed~

I thought~

why am I so selfish? I hate myself, I am worthless, I am useless and that is why I don't have anyone beside me.

I started to cry silently on the bed and my only companion was my pillow and I slept just to experience a strange thing...

'That day there was something else too, I wish I would have remembered that so I wouldn't have been hurt so much in the end or maybe it was necessary.'

Author note:

I hope now you have understood that Bella is the protagonist here and I know she is a very weak character here for some people she will be annoying but believe me after some time she will become stronger after all we all grow up with time right?

And thank you for reading guys it means a lot to me, please don't forget to give your feedback

to be continued~

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