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I rushed toward my house and entered. I saw my mother and father were bickering again. Everything I was feeling was just the word numb. The pressure of my life was killing me from inside. Couldn't hear properly what they were saying as I couldn't pay attention. I was shaking in panic. I heard them say again 'I want a divorce.' I could not take that anymore so I ran toward my room. I felt really empty.

I went to my room just to overthink the situation over and over again.

' What was I even thinking? How could I expect something from a total stranger? Not that he is my best friend or someone I know for a long time, but it still hurts to know that he didn't help me. Why am I so broken from both inside and outside?' 

I started to cry silently so that nobody could hear my voice. I didn't wanna show anyone how weak I was. I fell asleep while crying.

Next day (Saturday)~

6 AM~

Thud thud~

Someone knocked on the window. Yes, the second-floor window.

I half opened my eyes due to some noises in my window I thought it was just wind but I saw a tall figure person on my window. I opened my eyes completely to see it was Asher. I didn't know why but inside I felt a little flame of happiness but my face had 'what the hell is going on look' and deep inside me, I was still sad about the incident like it has changed the image of Asher for me which I created after he saved me that day.

"What the hell? have you planned to die from my second-floor window so that you can make me the suspect of your death".

He just laughed and said, "If you are not going to open the window then I am definitely gonna die."

I hurriedly opened the window.

"Oh God are you crazy and who the hell comes into someone's room this early, but wait I am not talking with you, GET OUT OF MY ROOM" I shouted.

"But you are talking with me now." He teased me.

Yesterday anger again started to take over me.

He continued with a serious voice "Bell look at me" I glared at him full of hatred in my eyes, he continued "Bell I don't know what you were thinking the last d..."

I interrupted "If you don't know if you think that is not your fault then why did you come here? just go."

"Bell let me talk please, Bell I know you are much stronger than this, I just wanted you to become independent. I don't want that you will be depending on some boy. Let's just say I helped you yesterday but do you think it would have changed something, will they stop bully you again when I am not by your side?" He asked.

I was speechless because I know it was damn true so I just stayed silent for a minute and then said " How did you know that I am much stronger than this? And let's say you know everything that nothing will change so that means you are not gonna help any helpless person?"

He became more serious "Bell, how could you say you are a helpless person? What you don't have a pair of eyes? or a pair of legs? or a pair of hands? or you don't have a brain? Do you know what is your problem? It is not your strength but self-confidence and courage. And for your kind information, I know you better than you know yourself."

I again became speechless. I started to cry like a duckling and said "Why don't you came yesterday then and make me understand the situation?"

"Cause you would have not understood, yesterday your temper was like a volcano is gonna blast." he giggled.

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