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At Evening~

" Am I looking okay? No, I think I should wear makeup a little and wear something good and catchy." I was blabbering nonsense while deciding what to wear and what to not.

' Hmm, Bell this not your first time meeting Ryan why are you getting so nervous? He is just a friend... maybe...'

" Hey, Ryan I am here." I didn't realize that I was waving at him like a fool.

"pfft you are a cute monkey!." he teased me.

" Is this an insult or a compliment?"

" Whatever you think."

" I am taking it as a compliment."

" You are looking cute." He blushed.

" Thanks!" I didn't envision that he will notice the details.

" So where are we going today?" I asked him curiously.

" To my secret base!"

I was shocked " What your secret base? Do you have any secret base?"

" You can call it a hideout," he answered.

" Hideout?"

" Sometimes I also need a hideout." he smiled.

I thought " Why does he need any hideout? He has everything looks, great parents, loving friend and he can also manage to think everything positively."

" Don't overthink at last I am also a human being." he laughed out.

" Can you read my mind?" I was trying to figure out the situation.

" Nope but expressions are making it obvious. So are you just gonna ask me questions after questions or shall we go?"

" ah sure!"

' I am so stupid why did I stutter?"

" But aren't we going to see your secret hideout or whatever?" I asked him without any emotion.

" Yes!"

" But it is just a park! have you loosen your mind or what?" I was giving him what the hell is wrong with you, look.

" Just wait for a little we will go there but at first let's enjoy here." he closed his eyes while sitting on the bench.

" Hey, you jerk! what is here to enjoy?"

" Bell can't you just enjoy this little happiness like birds chirruping, cold fresh and blah blah." he became silent for few moments.

Yes, he was right. The weather was too good but the thing which caught my attention the most was his calming, innocent-looking face. I didn't realize that I was starring at his face like a creep until he spoke " Why are you starring at me?"

I was taken aback and that's why I stuttered " n-nothing!" I stood while stomping my feet on the ground. My heart was racing like crazy. I thought ' I will have a heart attack I think.'

" Am I that good looking?" he opened his eyes widely revealing the beautiful orbs of his eyes.

" Geeez! handsome who? You? haha never!" I stuck out my tongue to tease him.

" Now I am fully confirm that you are a monkey" he ran away before I could beat him.

" Yaaah! you punk stop there" I was running after him.

" catch me if you can."

We were running and giggling like kids.

After a few minutes, we both stopped and gasped for air to breathe. We both looked at each other and fell on the ground and laughed out loud.

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