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I went to meet Zeke.

"Hey! I am here Bella." Zeke waved his hands "You are looking pretty"

"You are also looking good," I replied.

"Where do you wanna hang out?" he asked me earnestly.

"Anywhere is good for me," I said.

"How about the park?"

"Yes sure let's go."

We both walked toward the park together.

"Tell me something about you, I don't know much about you." he was staring at me.

"Well, I am just a simple girl nothing special tell me about you." I didn't even know about myself so I tried to change the topic.

"Well I am Zeke, I am a little bit popular guy because of my personality not for my looks." he smiled.

"I already know you are popular cause I am also at the same school Zeke." I gave him an unamused look.

"Oh yeah, do you have a boyfriend?" he asked randomly.

I gave it a little thought and then answered

"Nope I don't have, do you have?" I sat down on the soft grass he also followed me and sat down beside me.

"No I had one but it was toxic so now I am single."

"Ooh, I am sorry." I apologize, as I felt bad.

"Why are sorry? You have done nothing." he put his hands on my shoulder.

"No, I just felt bad."

"It's okay," he said.

"Are you going on the field trip?" Zeke asked me.

"Yes and you?"

"Yep, I will also go," Zeke replied.

We talked for hours and hours and then finally it was time to go back home.

"It was really nice to hang out with you." he winked.

"Ha! so playful." I playfully slapped his shoulder.

"So we will meet each other at field trip!" he smiled and then left me alone with my thoughts.

I was thinking nothing but about Ryan. I was just thinking 'why he was avoiding me all of a sudden is it really related to that confession? Why did I even confess? Is it really the end of our friendship?'

2 days passed by but no sign of him. I just accepted the fact that I lose my friend no not only a friend but best friend Ryan. I wanted to go back in time and redo everything.

"Mumma, I am going outside for a walk is it okay for you?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes, you don't always have to think about me!" she went to the kitchen.

I thought 'Let's buy some snacks after all we have to go on a field trip'.

As I was walking down the road to the store without giving any attention to anything, someone slapped back of my head from the right side. I looked at the right side to find no one and then when I turned and looked at my left side to find smiling Ryan.

I had an overwhelmed feeling. I could not think if I should be happy, angry, or sad so I just froze at my spot. Tears were forming in my eyes but I controlled.

"Why?" I could not think anything so I just asked him that.


We looked at each other for a few moments in silence, we were not talking but our eyes seem to have the conversation. I was looking at him because I was trying to find my answer.

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