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I looked toward him and shouted in excitement "Amusement Park!".

He also shouted in excitement "Yes amusement park!"

"Let's go!" we both shouted in unison.

We rode in different rides.

When we rode on the roller coaster he turned fully pale, he looked funny.

We took some pictures, tasted different food items, goofing around for few hours I forgot any of my problems. It seems like I am in a parallel world where I am enjoying my life to the fullest.

It was almost evening I could not walk anymore, we both were tired, we were laughing, teasing each other, making funny faces and holding hands, and returning toward the car so that we could return to our house. I didn't know when we became so close.

I realized that evening looked so different than any other evening in few years. The sun settled down and looked like it spread its whole pixy dust in the sky. However, it started to get a little chilly.

I was so happy but the realization hit me really hard that it was over. I was tired but I didn't want to finish this yet. Maybe he noticed my expression and said "Don't be sad that it is over, be happy that it happened, some legend said that not me." he smiled. His smile was contagious cause it made me smile subconsciously. 

But something was going on in my mind that 'Whether we are just friends or something more than just friends.'

"I have some homework for you Bella," Ryan said while stopping the car in front of the house.

"Call me Bell and what homework?" I looked toward him confusingly.

"Tomorrow is Sunday..." He was interrupted

"So we will meet again tomorrow right?" I smiled.

"No, your homework is spending your full time with your family happily, I don't know-how, and tomorrow we will not meet." he smiled.

This made me a little upset although I didn't complain, the next moment made me the happiest person in the world alive. Maybe everyone will feel like exaggerating but it was a truth for me.

He leaned toward me and ruffled my hair.

I blushed like a tomato.

'What does our relationship mean? Is it really just friends?  I opened the door but looked behind me for the last time to get a glance at him, he smiled.

He was constantly staring at me until I closed the door.

I was so happy but I didn't know why his eyes looked so sad like we were never gonna meet again.

My heart hurt a little and a tear left my eyes I didn't know why.

At dinner~

"Mom, dad I have something to say but before that promise me you will give it to me," I asked

"But without listening to it how can we promise you?" Mom starred at me while biting her food.

"Mom please!" I made puppy eyes.

"Our daughter is in a good mood after so many days later." Dad laughed and said "Okay for you today anything, Promise." he said.

"Dad tomorrow is Sunday I wanted to go on a picnic, please, just you, me, and mom, please." I was looking toward them for an answer.

They both looked at me with a surprised look.

"Are you Bella?" Mom again checked my temperature like before.

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