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" Hey, Asher! I need your help, Will you help me?" I asked him.

"Help? From me?" Asher laughed.

"I am serious." I pouted.

"Okay, okay fine, ask." He smiled.

I explained to him the whole story and continued " What do you think who is the traitor?"

"Well how could I answer this, I don't know any of them." He asked me with no expression.

"I know you don't know..." I was interrupted.

"Then why did you even ask me?"

"I haven't even asked you yet." I gave him a weird expression.

He looked at me like he wanted to find something out.

"Will you be on my side always?" I asked.

"Is this even a help or a question? No matter what I will always be whether you are right or wrong and you shouldn't be asking something like this when it is so obvious" He starred at me.


"What why?" he baffled.

"Why will you be on my side always?"

"Cause I..I...I am your friend." He stuttered.

"For that only?" I glanced toward him while he turned his face opposite of mine.

I didn't know why but my only friend's word broke my heart but I didn't show it to him, I just smiled.

"Umm Asher it is a little bit personal but I am still gonna ask you, do you have any girlfriend?" I asked hesitantly.

He blushed but didn't answer.

"What? I asked you something but aren't you gonna answer huh?" I pouted.

"If you think I have then I have but if you think I don't have then I don't have, depends upon you." He answered while walking away.

I gave him what the hell type of expression if that made any sense.

"What? I didn't understand what are you trying to convey?" I asked while raising my eyebrows.

"Do I need to say everything?" He stopped and continued again, "sometimes we don't need to answer everything, time will answer everything."

"Here you go again." I rolled my eyes.

"Wanna go somewhere beautiful and peaceful?' He asked.

"I have to think about it." I pretended like I am thinking so hard.

"No need of this melodrama, on Sunday be ready at 4:30 AM I will be waiting for you." He giggled.

"I am not doing any drama!" I puffed my cheeks and then realized the time " What? at 4:30? are you mad or something?" I yelled.

"If you wanna come then you will come and if you don't want then it's up to you." He smiled.

"I will not come, is this the way you call someone..." before I could finish he was already gone.

"What does he think? He is the king of this world or what?" I shouted and gained weird glances from others on the road.

I giggled nervously.

'For you monkey, I made the fool out of myself, I will kill you one day.' 

After that day nothing special happened just normal days passed by although the situation of my house wasn't improving but getting worse day by day.

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