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'I can't find my red dress'

'Oh! Bell I was so scared '

'What do you mean I can't find my red dress and you think this is not a big deal?!'


'Just wear anything you will be fine, I am coming within 30 mins, get ready fast.'

Time skips~

'where are you, Asher ?'

'Open the door, I am at your doorsteps. '

"So let's go, captain." 

Both giggled at the same time.

At café~

"So Asher, where did you live before?"

"Call me Ash, I like it more" he smiled and continued  "I lived in Boston but due to my father's work I am here with you," he answered politely.

I rolled my eyes because of his last words 'with you', it seemed like I was his girlfriend. 'What the hell is wrong with his brain? '

"Ash that day you asked me what is happiness? So I wanted to know your answer, what is happiness? " I asked him.

He just smiled and sipped his coffee.

"Answer me!" I demanded.

"Well, haven't you already answered me so what's the point of asking? " he just asked me back like it doesn't matter for him.

"Oh, holly molly! I wanted to know your answer, can't you hear me I was asking for your opinion, did you understand Mr. Unbothered" I shouted at his face and rolled my eyes.

"That means you are not satisfied with your answer, interesting " he was looking at his coffee and answered me.

"What is so interesting? "

"This whipped cream isn't it tasty? yum, yum" he chuckled.

I was speechless 'what is wrong with him. '

"Close your mouth or a fly can make his house and live happily ever after inside your mouth," he said while looking at me.

I didn't realize that my mouth was wide opened but due to his lame insult, I got to know. 'How annoying he is. Who is ever gonna live with this hoe.'

"Shut up! Wanna die? "

"Well the answer to the question is your homework okay my whipped cream sweetie? " he smirked.

"How annoying! Ugh, I already hate you. " I said.

"Then why are you still here with me? Do you like me? " He smirked.

"Well Mr. Annoying my answer is big fat no, I am not your cream, you bogger, and thanks for the time we are never gonna meet up again, Bye!" I just said randomly.

"Why are you still here? "

"Well I am going, you are very rude" I turned around to go but then " Why should I go? You should go, you are the problem, not me."

"But you are having a problem with me not me." he just blankly looked at me.

"I am not going anywhere cause I have also paid for the coffee. "

He just chuckled.

"You both are so cute, like a married couple." an elderly woman passed by me and complimented us.

I didn't know if I should take it as a compliment or not.

I blushed and maybe Asher too although I didn't look at him.

"Hey! Honeybun are you having your precious date? " my school bully asked me sarcastically.

Yes, I did have bullies in my school which makes someone's life hell.

"Finally you got someone, you poop. " the second girl laughed out.

I felt weak, I could not answer them back. ' Why am I like this when I am facing them? Like I can't reply to them back. I always feel weak in front of them. '

They took their cold coffee and poured it over me.

"Bye! Chocolate bun has a great day." They left.

I was surprised not because of the girls but I realized that nobody in the public helped me, the most surprising thing was not even Asher helped me he just looked at me with sympathetic eyes without any single word. It looked like his mouth was sewed. 

I stormed out of the cafe, my eyes were red, I could not think straight. I didn't know what got into me that I expressed all of my anger at Asher.

Asher called me "Bella, at least listen to me."

But I didn't want to listen to him, I was blinded by my anger.

 I hate him.

He held my wrist and asked me to listen to him.

But I didn't listen up to him, I just stormed out toward my house.

Tears were flowing constantly.

I heard him whispering " Why didn't you show this rage and power to them?"

Those words felt like thousands of needles were piercing on my skin. It felt like someone stabbed my heart. 

Now I hate him more, I never wanted to see his face again in my life.

'Why did you stay silent and taught me one of the powerful lessons in my life? '

Author note~

Do you like the chapter? Never ever let your anger decide for your life guys, it will do the worse. If you like this chapter don't forget to vote, share and comment your feedback. Lots of love guys, see you in the next update.

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