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Doesn't matter whatever the date was everything was always the same.

"Bella wake up! you are gonna be late for school" mom shouted.

'I don't want to wake up, I want everything to end up. I can't tolerate the pain anymore.' Tears left my eyes.

"Bella, fast" mom shouted.

"Yeah coming mom" I ran as fast as I could.

"Bye mom" mom gently put her kiss on my forehead.

Simply walking made my neurons start tittle-tattle and that made me remind yesterday's night.

I woke up hearing some faint sound from my parent's room.

I walked to the door and hid behind the door to eavesdrop.

"What did you think I don't understand anything? I am trying my best and you are just shouting that you are the only one who is working hard for us." mom was boiling in anger.

"I am working the whole day and night for you all and at the end of the day, are you accusing me of cheating?!"

"Then tell me why you were with her in an expensive restaurant while you knew we are suffering cause of our financial state?" mom demanded.

"She is just my client, why don't you understand? I gotta do this to take the deal."

"Oh wow spending money for her and here we are suffering from financial problems. Due to you, I have to work two part-time jobs" she was sobbing.

"So you are telling me that I am the cause of your pain?"

Mom shouted in anger "Yes you are! after marrying you, my life has become hell, I can't even afford things for my one and only daughter sometimes and you are spending all the money on that woman. Why did you even marry me when you are gonna be like this?"

Dad shouted in a broken voice "Yes I am the one who causes the misery in everyone's life."

Mom cried and stated, "Let's end this relationship here, I am tired of every day's drama, I want a divorce."

Dad said, "You are selfish, you just think about yourself, you can't take my daughter away from me."

"Yes, I am selfish." Mom said while opening the door.

I ran away from there with tears forming in my eyes.

I prayed "God please don't do this to me I can't take this anymore."

I closed my eyes tightly and thought about every day's dispute between my parents.

My mom entered my room and whispered while running her hand through my hair "I love you my Bell, you will never have to suffer for me, you will get everything in your life." she kissed my forehead softly and slowly left.

5 minutes later~

Dad entered and sat beside me and for the first time in my whole life  I saw him crying, a tear fell from his eyes "I love you my sweety, you never have to worry about anything my princess, I will work harder to give you everything." he also kissed softly on my forehead and left the room.

"Why am I so selfish? I always think about myself, I hate it, I can't tolerate this pain, my parents give me everything but why I do I feel so alone, I wanted to end everything, why God why are you not helping me? I hate you."

End of Flashback~

Time passed but couldn't feel a single thing, memories about the day were hazy for me, I felt like a zombie who is dead but walking. I didn't realize when my school ended but when I got my senses back I saw myself walking through the roads. I came across the river and I don't know what I started to think but soon I realized I am holding the railings, ready to give up.

"Sorry Mom and Dad, I love you."

Closed my eyes and loosed my grip but strangely I felt like I was flying 'Am I dead? Why is it feeling so strange?' Couldn't understand anything  but I realized I was regretting immediately and was feeling guilty 'I proved myself selfish in the end'

Is everything gonna change for Bella or everything is over? Why does she felt strange?

'I was so stupid that day. Everything started that day. I changed forever maybe for good or maybe for bad.'

Author's note:

Guys never give up! nobody knows what brings you tomorrow. If you are going through a hard time, always remember you are very near your good time.

love you guys.

to be continued~

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