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Feeling the cold breeze, I thought that it was the end of my life as I felt so light but I felt that someone was holding my hands tightly.

'Am I in heaven? Is an angel is holding my hand? ' Pretty childish thought? Well, can't deny it.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by a deep velvet voice.

"O miss how long are you gonna be like this? You are really heavy." Someone shouted in a manly voice.

I opened my eyes and saw a tall, handsome guy around my age, I suppose, was standing in front of me who was tightly holding my hands.

"What the hell? Can't I even die in peace?" I said annoyingly.

"What? Are you gonna die? I thought you just slipped, sorry to interrupt your peaceful time." that pesky unknown guy said while making weird faces and immediately left my hand.

I lost balance and shouted.

"W-what, aah! please help." I shouted and then again he grabbed my hands again.

"Miss you are so annoying, a while ago you were asking me to leave your soft hands and now you are asking me to save you." He stated mockingly.

"First of all how could you think that I have slipped when you can clearly see I was trying to jump, second how could you let a person die in front of you, third who are you? Fourth how could you think a person can die after destroying his/ her determination by saving him or her, Fifth how long am I gonna stand like this? Sixth and most importantly how dare you call my hands soft? such a pervert! Seventh..." I just started rambling.

He pulled me, "Wow are you a human or a question bank?"

I bumped my head over his chest, my cheeks turned into cherry red color, I felt very embarrassed. The situation was really weird for me and obviously not the right time to blush! But does life even care about our thoughts? Does it even care if it is right or wrong? And we all know its answer.

"You are very heavy sweetie," he smirked.

"Who the hell are you? W-wait what 'sweetie'? How dare you to call a stranger 'sweetie'?" I pointed out my finger to him.

I was pointing the most useless stuff out of his words.

He smiled cockily and said, "Well I expected thanks after saving someone, but never mind nowadays they are not humble enough I suppose."

Realizing my mistake I said, "Th-Thanks"

I turned my back to go home but a realization hit my mind and again turned back to him.

"Why should I thank you when you are the one who interrupted my work."

"Work? Haha you make me laugh hun but that doesn't matter, well you asked me to save you later." he defended himself

"But who asked you to save me at first," I was trying to analyze what is right and what is wrong but soon I gave up "ugh! Never mind, you are weird".

"And you are cute." the guy complimented.

"What? Excuse me!" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well don't you like this weirdo?" He asked in a playful voice.

"What? Are you a runaway person from a mental asylum? Are you crazy or what?

"Well, I will take it as a yes."

Taken aback by his cocky and weird confidence. For a minute I was thinking am I still dreaming or person like him exist too? I thought of a way to end the awkward situation.

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