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Opening the door I saw our new neighbor standing in front of me.

A woman with two girls and a boy were standing.

I greeted them and welcomed them inside.

One girl was around twelve years and the other was maybe 6 years old.

Boy was of my age and guess what? He was 'Asher'.

I never expected to meet him again but maybe sometimes luck can be on my side too.

My mom and the woman name Emily Williams engrossed themselves in their chit-chats. The two girls went outside to play. Dad had still not arrived home.

Asher and I left for my room upstairs.

Asher smirked, "I don't lie"

 I raised my brow in a questioning expression.

"I live very close to you"

He giggled.

"Wow! it was so funny!" I clasped my hands in sarcasm and rolled my eyes.

"So this is your room? Hmm, but why isn't your room filled with posters of some celebrity crush like other teenagers?" He chuckled.

"Everyone has their taste, so..." 

"But you had celebrity crush right and your room was packed with the posters, right?" Asher interrupted.

I widened my eyes and questioned, "How the hell did you know? Did we know each other or are you a stalker? who are you?".

"Am I?" he leaned a bit.

I felt a little bit uneasy.

He burst out in laughter, "Don't worry I am not a stalker, I just guessed."

"I don't like anymore that's it, no big reason," I said while looking down the floor.

He smiled and said, " Bella you can't lie to me I know you better than anyone, we have to work to bring back the old Bella."

Hell of confused I shouted," What do you mean you know me better than anyone? We have just met and for your kind information I am still the old Bella."

He smiled and nodded.

'He is so annoying.'

"So in which school do you go?" I asked casually while he was observing my room.

"To xxxxx school " he replied while looking at my middle school picture.

Thank god he didn't go to my school.

"So this year you are gonna graduate from your high school right?" he asked.


"Bella wanna hang out tomorrow after school?" He asked me cutely.

'What does he mean?'

"With me?" I asked confusingly.

"Is there anyone else?" he asked sarcastically, "If someone is here please come out!"

"No, y-yeah sure I will go," I said.

Butterflies kicked off my stomach. I was seeing a whole different world. Thanks to his sweetness I was flustered.

Maybe he noticed it and said, "you look more beautiful while blushing." he laughed.

"Shut up!"

A moment of silence surrounded us before I broke my silence but surprisingly it wasn't awkward at all.

"By the way, I have one question, do we know each other?" I asked.

"Maybe or maybe not." he smiled.

What the hell is he crazy? ugh! never mind.

I stayed silent.

We talked a lot about random things and laughed. I don't why did I feel a little bit happy after such a long time and surprisingly for a moment, I forgot about every darkness of my life.

Out of blue, he asked me a weird question, "Bella, what is happiness?"

I became speechless, "Um, maybe when something good happens?" I was confused, I didn't know if I should reply or asked him back.

He just smiled and nodded.

He is weird, what type of question is this?

Mom called us for dinner

Time skip~

"Bye Asher, take care.'

He smiled "Meet you tomorrow, Bell."

We looked at each other like two eternal lovers were separating or am I exaggerating the situation.

I laid down on my bed. After some time I got a text from Asher I suppose?

"Felt nice to spend time with you, Asher here ;)"

"Me too."

"Let's spend more time with each other."


"Good night Bell."

"Good night Asher."

I don't know why but I felt really good after so many days later.

"Bella, what is happiness?"

This question started to play like a recorder in my head again and again.

What should be its proper answer?

I fell into a deep sleep.

Next day after school~

He texted me~

"Let's meet up in Rosemary café, I am gonna pick you up at 5 pm."

Suddenly I realized something which made my world spun around me or was I overdramatic?

"Ash! I am in a big problem."

"What happen Bell, answer me "

seen but no reply.



Still no reply~

'I was so naive back then. I had all answers to all the questions but I was finding it like crazy. All of your questions make sense now when the puzzle is solved.'

Author note~

What do you think? What happened to Bella? Stay tuned, stay healthy.

to be continued~

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