Chapted Five: The Drive In

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Dally eyed the only two girls there. We sit down behind them. I sit in between Ponyboy and Dally, while Johnny's next to Pony.
"Hey, Dal, ya want a drink?" I ask with a smile.
He ignores my question and smirks, "Some cute redhead, huh?"
"She's pretty," I agree, "But I asked if you wanted a drink."
It was the first thing Dally had said to me that night, and though it was weird, I didn't mind.
"I bet her boyfriends real happy with her," Dally smirks, ignoring what I said again. He starts joking and falls off his chair. Everyone else laughs, but I just sit there.

He gets up close to her, and Johnny leaves to get a Coke.
"How do I know if that's your real hair huh?" Dally twirls it in his fingers, "How do I know that it's the same color you have on your uh... these eyebrows?"
He leans back, and puts his feet on her chair.
"Get your feet off my chair and shut your trap," The redhead, I know as Cherry Valance, a friend-ish of mine, scoffs.
"Who's gonna make me?" Dally laughs, though he's the only one laughing, "Hey, I've seen you two around rodeos before, right?"

"It's a shame you can't ride a bull half as good as you can talk it," She says cooly, "Leave us alone... or I'll call the cops."
"Oh my, my, you've got me scared to death," He chuckles, "You outta see my record sometime baby. Guess what I've been in for."
"Please leave us alone," Cherry says, "Why don't you be nice and leave us alone?"
"I'm never nice," Dally grins, "Want a Coke?"
Is that why he didn't tell me if he wanted one? Because he was gonna harass these girls?

He leaves and Cherry turns to Ponyboy, "Are you gonna start in on us too?" Ponyboy shakes his head, "No.. you don't look like you would. Y/N, what're you and these nice boys doing with a hood like Dallas Winston?"
"We're grease too," I shrug, "This is Ponyboy and Johnny went to get a Coke."
"Ponyboy, original name," Cherry smiles.
"My dad was an original person," Pony smiles too, "My brother's name is Sodapop, says so on his birth certificate."

"I'm Sherri, my friends call my Cherry. Cherry Valance. Your brother, Sodapop, he works at the DX, right?" Cherry asks, Ponyboy nods, "Man he sure is a doll. I would've guessed you guys were brothers, you look alike."
Pony grins with pride. She called Soda a doll and said they looked alike. When Johnny comes back, he blushes and says 'Hi' softly. Cherry sizes him up then smiles.
Dally comes back and hands Pony, Marcia, and Cherry a Coke before sitting next to Cherry.

"Thought this might cool you off," He smirks.
She glares at him and then throws her Coke in his face.
"This might cool you off, greaser. After you wash your mouth and learn to talk and act decent I might cool off too," She scoffs.
"Fiery, huh? Well that's the way I like 'em," He starts to put his arms around her before I stand up and shout at him.
"Get off of her, Dallas!" I yell.
Dally spun around so fast that I half expected him to hit me. Dally has gripped the collar of my jacket so tight he was almost lifting me off the ground.

I stumble back, dumbfounded. My heart begins to beat faster and the back of my neck begins to hurt. Tears build up. I don't know if it was from pain, sadness, anger, or confusion.
"Y-Y/N," Dallas stutters as I back away.
Everyone stares at him in disgust, and me in sympathy. I hate sympathy glares. Even worse than pity glares.
I run out the Nightly Double, down the road, until I can't feel anything. But I'm not a good runner, so it was probably like a minute at most. A car pulls up close to me and I breathe deeply to catch my breath.

"Y/N?" Randy steps out with a drunk laugh.
"Oh my gosh, guys! It's Y/N!" Bob slurs.
I wheeze and fall onto my knees.
"Y/N?" Randy sobers up.
"Are you okay?" Bob runs up to me. He wraps his arms around me and I cry. I cry hard. He sits with me on the sidewalk as I let out my sobs. I don't know how long it was, but it must've been at least half an hour, because I heard Two-Bits's upset voice.
Two-Bits is usually happy, and has a smooth voice. But this one was low, deep, and rough.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" He asks.
I stand up with Bob, and wipe my face.
"N-Noth..." I take a deep breath, "N-Nothing."
My voice is shaky. It's obvious that I was crying.
"Cherry? Marcia?" Randy questions, "What're you doing with these bums?"
"Who you callin' bums?" Two-Bit asks.
Bob lightly pushes me behind him with one hand, "Listen, greasers, we got four more of us in the back seat."

"Well then pity the back seat," Two-Bit says.
Actually yeah. Poor dudes were waiting there while Randy and Bob were comforting me for half an hour.
"If you're looking for a fight..." Randy speaks slowly.
"You mean if I'm looking for a good jumping, you'll give it to me?" Two-Bit raises his eyebrow. He picks up an empty bottle and busts off the end, handing it to Ponyboy.
"No!" Cherry cries, "Stop it, we'll go with you! I can't stand fights... I can't stand them!"

She speaks to Pony and I hear, "...Dallas Winston... fall... love with him..."
I don't know why it bothers me, but it does.
While Cherry and Marcie get in the back seat, I go to the gang.
"Where are you going?" Bob holds my hand, "I'm a greaser, Bob," I say, "No matter how hard you wanna believe, I'll always be grease."
"Wait, don't go with them," Randy says as the gang glares at them.
"She wants to come with us," Two-Bit furrows his eyebrows, "Don't you think your girlfriends will be a bit jealous? You already have them, sorry, but Y/N's our girl."

I pull my arm away from Bob, and walk over, behind Two-Bit. I see Johnny's face and my heart drops. How could I forget that Bob hurt him? How? I'm the worst friend. I probably deserve what Dallas did to me.
We head home and I fall asleep with Johnny and Ponyboy in the lot. Ponyboy wakes up in the middle of the night and goes home.
But after a while, he comes running back.
And for the second time that night, I ran until I felt like jelly.

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