Chapter Nine: The Hearing

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Bedrest wasn't as bad as it seemed, especially at the Curtis' house. I was visited constantly. Here's how each visit would go.

A visit from Steve:
He'd come in and compliment me. Then talk about how he and Soda missed me at the DX. He'd talk about the coolest car he'd seen that day, and tell me about how he's gonna get the tuffest car.

A visit from Two-Bit:
Two-Bit wouldn't sit down for one second. He'd pace back and forth about some random topic. Then ask me how I've been doing. And he'd make the funniest jokes to make me smile, then compliment my smile.

A visit from Johnny:
He'd politely knock and sit at the edge of my bed. He wasn't loud, but wasn't quiet either. He'd boast about beating the socs, saying it was so cool how him and Ponyboy tag-teamed this big guy. He'd make sure I felt well before leaving.

A visit from Dally:
No one ever knew when Dally came because, like a true hood, he came in through the window. He'd tell me I looked awful and tease me. But he'd reassure me that he was joking and that he thought I looked cute when sleepy. Whenever someone else would walk in or knock, he'd leave through the window, leaving them confused.

A visit from Darry:
Darry would check my temperature, bring me water, read to me, and make sure I was comfortable. He'd tell me how brave I was, and how the news headlines me as the "Beautiful and strong young woman who faced an attack and saved children from a fire in just one week" and I didn't believe him until he showed me.

A visit from Ponyboy:
Pony loved telling me about school. He'd scoff about the socs treating him, Johnny, and Dally differently. He talked about his victories with track, and wished I could be there to cheer him on. At night, he'd bring me milk and cookies.

A visit from Sodapop:
Soda would just lay in bed with me and tell me about his day. He talked about how summer was close and we could go on so many adventures together with the gang. Sometimes, we'd nap together after school. Once he even fell asleep the whole night. Everyday, he'd kiss my forehead goodnight.

A visit from the socs:
Bob, Randy, and Cherry visited new a couple times each. They all talked about updates on the trial and socs. Everyone stood against Creep. And the boys would comfort me about that night. They felt guilty, but I told them it wasn't their fault.

The hearing wasn't as scary as I thought. On one side was Creep and his attorney, and the other was everyone else. By that I mean the socs, their parents, and the gang.
The socs when first, and all stuck to the same story which was the truth.
They'd usually say, "We got drunk one night. And we came to the park and saw the three of them just sitting there. We were picking a fight. Some of us dunked Ponyboy, while one fought with that Johnny kid. Then he attacked Y/N and tore off her clothes. She was acting in self defense."

When the judge talked to me, he talked nicely and softly. He didn't ask about the assault itself. He just asked me to confirm that Creep attacked me at the DX too. Soda, Steve, and surveillance footage proved it. And my black eye and nurses testified that he attacked me at the hospital.
Two-Bit told me the black eye made me look real tuff. And so I wore it proudly.
Creep, which I learned his real name was Caleb Campbell. Sounds about right.

Caleb Campbell the Creep. Anyways, being eighteen already, he got sentenced ten years in prison and eight years parole on account of three charges of aggravated assault, and two counts of sexual assault.
I went back to school the next week. The teachers tried to go easy on me, which was kinda boring. Why go to school at all? I was really considering being a drop out, but there was only one week of school left. The only part of school I actually liked was lunch. I could eat with the gang.

When it was finally the last day, Dally said we should ditch.
"Dallas Winston, we have four hours left," I shake my head, "Calm yourself."
Of course when school did let out, we all went for a ride in Dally's convertible. In the front sat Dally driving, then Pony and Johnny scrunched in the passenger's seat, they were the smallest boys, so it wasn't hard. In the back, from left to right, was Steve, Soda, then Two-Bit. I sat on Soda's lap because God knows I will not let those men squeeze my thighs to death. That was the first ride of the summer and goodness was it great.

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