Chapter Thirteen: The Deal

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Your P.O.V.

The second week of summer, Ponyboy was with Johnny at some dude thing with Dally, Steve and Soda were drag racing, and Two-Bit was somewhere off being Two-Bit. Darry's constantly working, so I don't know if he's home or not. Bob and Randall were both home sick with a cold that they caught from swimming in the lake as a dare. Cherry and Marcia were probably looking for guys.
I stare at the ceiling on the living room floor, bored out of my mind.
"I wish I had something to do," I frown, looking at the ceiling.

I lay there for what feels like hours, could be minutes, but feels like hours. I look at my watch and it's nine pm. The front door opens and Ponyboy walks in alone. He sees me on the ground and lays next to me.
"What're we doing?" He asks.
"Being bored," I say, "But now I have you! So I'm happy."
"I'm glad I could do that," Ponyboy laughs, "What do you wanna do?"

"Sure isn't lay on the floor!" I pop up, "what's something fun we can do?"
"How about tag?" Pony smirks.
"Alright, and the catch is?" I ask, knowing that smirk from anywhere.
"Winner gets to dare the loser to do whatever they want," He says.
"Deal!" I say immediately. I tag him and run out of the house.
"Shit!" I hear him curse behind me. I'm not a good runner at all, but the motivation was enough.

As I ran around the block, I thought of the endless possibilities. I could make him streak around the neighborhood. I could make him ask out some girl. I could make him steal something for me. After losing him, I stop at the house to catch my breath.
"Tag, you're it," Ponyboy taps my shoulder.
"What?!" I whine.
"Aw, don't get too upset, Doll," He fake pouts.
"Alright, do your damage, but make it fast. I see Dally's car," I tell him, "And remember, he picked up the entire gang except for Darry."

"I dare you to let me kiss you in front of the guys," Ponyboy smirks, "Anytime I want, for the rest of the night. And you have to kiss back."
"What?" I blush.
"A deal's a deal," He tells me as the car gets close.
He backs me up onto the garage door. Who knew Ponyboy would be so... dominant? Like, he's usually just not intimidating at all.
He kisses me gently for a few seconds.
"You have to kiss back," he whispers in my ear, "Or I'll make you stay out here for a long while."

"Geez, Ponyboy!" I roll my eyes, switching our positions. I kiss him for a couple seconds, before breaking away. I turn to the rest of the gang and flip them off, "Perverts!"
I walk to my room and sit on my bed. Two-Bit knocks at my door.
"Hey, you looked kinda upset out there, everything okay?" He asks, stepping in.
"I lost a game of tag and now I have to let Ponyboy kiss me whenever he wants," I admit.
"Woah, so was that like.. your first kiss?" Two-Bit asks.

"Um..." I blush, "Yeah. I guess so."
I don't really wanna talk about Sodapop. Not that I'm embarrassed or anything, I just don't want to talk about it. Especially since it was because of Dally.
"Alright, if it gets out of hand or anything," Two-Bit begins, "Just tell me and I'll smack him upside the head."
"Okay," I laugh, "And can you tell the others? I don't want them thinking bad of me."
"How could anyone think bad of you, Y/N?" He flashes a grin.

Sodapop's P.O.V.

Steve and I talk about our victory at the drag race as I see Y/N run to the house in the distance.
"Is she okay?" Steve asks.
"Yeah, look, there's Ponyboy," Johnny points out.
They talk and I see Y/N get red before Ponyboy backs her up against the garage. He looks down at her, then kisses her.
"Holy shit!" Dally gasps.
Ponyboy says something to her. Her eyes go wide, she throws her hands up, and pins him against the garage, "Geez, Ponyboy!"

She kisses him for a couple seconds before turning to us and flipping us off, "Perverts!"
"Why's she so upset, Ponyboy?" Two-Bit jumps out the car to follow her.
Ponyboy, still against the garage door, looks up, wipes his bottom lip, and shrugs.
"Alright, what'd you do, punk?" Steve walks up to him.
"Calm down!" Ponyboy puts his hands up, "We just played tag and I won a deal. I got to dare her. Now I get to kiss her for the rest of the night."

"What? Ponyboy, that was her first kiss," Dally points out. Though that's not true. I was.
"Yeah, it's supposed to be special!" Johnny nods.
"Sorry, I forgot," Pony blushes.
We all sigh and walk inside. Y/N and Two-Bit are sitting on the long couch watching Mickey Mouse.
"Hey, sorry N/N," Ponyboy apologizes, "I forgot that you've never kissed anyone before."
Her eyes quickly meet mine before she looks at Pony, "It's okay."

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