Part 1, Chapter 1

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Y/n p.o.v

The first day of senior year. And what a way to spend it being late to school. Yes I over slept, I didn't mean to it just happened my alarm I guess wasn't loud enough for me.

I make sure I have everything before I put my shoes on and run out the door to my car. Urgh I have 10 minutes to get their. Let's do this.
I pull out of the drive and I'm on my way, I turn my music on and start jamming to got7 because why not. After 2 songs I arrive at the school, I park my car quickly and head straight to my class. Luckly most people haven't arrived in classes yet so hopefully the teachers haven't either.
I'm almost at class when I see my two best friends Tae hee and Chae Young, I run straight up to them and scare the living day lights out of them.
Tae hee:what the hell y/n I think you stopped my heart.
Y/n:sorry but I saw the opportunity
Chae Young: anyways who had a good holiday.
Tae hee: mine was alright didn't do much apart from go out with Seju most of the time.
Y/n: I spent most of the time in Canada with my dad, saw all my old friends and even met up with Jacob. So I guess it was alright.
Chae Young: yeah and I was stuck at work the whole summer, urgh it was so boring.
Y/n: don't worry I worked out in Canada with my dad. Anyways let's get to class before the teacher. I'm already late as it is.
We all walk about 10 steps to our class and luckly the teacher hasn't arrived yet and there was only a few students in their.
? :Y/n hey!
I turn around and see Jacob sitting with his friends.
Y/n: omg hey. When did you get back from Canada?
Jacob: about a week after you. Had to help my parents with the house just before I left. And gosh what a pain.
?: guys korean please we don't understand you. Kinda rude
Y/n:sorry guys
We both start laugh then I walk back to my seat at the back with the girls.
We sit and chat for a while until the door opens and reveals the most talented and handsome boy to ever exist.

Kevin Moon

He is such an amazing singer and also plays piano which is just amazing but he is also really kind and caring towards everyone. And did I mention he is Jacobs best friend.
But what sucks is he doesn't ever notice me because he has all the other girls around him wanting to date him, but he has never had a girlfriend before. I hope I could be the first, ah what am I thinking.
He sits down next to Jacob, and they all start chatting. I can't help but just look at him. The way his hair falls over his eye and it doesn't even bother him, his laugh is so angelic, the way his eyes shine in the light and how small his lips are but they just look so kissable.
I think I was starring for to long because I see him turning around and looking straight at me. I quickly look away as if I wasn't starring but I think he knows because he laugh a little. Urgh why am I always making a fool out of my self. He probably thinks I'm one of those girls that chases him around but I'm really not I know he will never like someone like me.
The teacher walks in and starts the lesson and I just zone out. Who likes science anyways.

End of lesson

I pack my things up and walk over to Jacob once Kevin walks out.
Y/n: so want to walk to class together?
Jacob: sure music right?
Y/n: yes I can't wait.
Jacob:why so you can hear Kevin sing, I know you like him, I always see you looking at him.
Y/n: shhhhh I don't want anyone to know especially him. It's embarassing.
Jacob: alright. Anyways let's go.

We both start walking to the music block which isn't that far away, on the way we talk about our trip to Canada and all the people in the hall way were looking at us weird because we were speaking in English
Jacob: oh Kevin was also in Canada, I met with him a few times but he was really busy.
Y/n:oh I didn't know. Doesn't he live in vancouver.
Jacob: yeah not far from you actually.
Y/n: ahhh isn't that great.
I couldn't help but smile knowing that his family live near mine.
We end up at the music room and Jacob joins the other boys and I just sit down and pull out my phone.

? : hey b*tch.
Y/n: who me? Who the hell does she think she's talking to. Yes the biggest b*tch in the school. Jang Sooyoung.
Sooyoung: yes you stay away from Jacob and the others they are mine. And everyone knows about your little crush on Kevin so leave him alone because he'll never like someone like you.
I look at everyone and they are starring at us as she's literally screaming at me. I look over at Kevin and the others and they are all starring confused.
Y/n: am I not aloud friends or something. And for your information I have been friends with Jacob longer than we have been at this school so if you wouldn't mind please leave me alone and fuck some other dude instead of wasting your time talking to me.
Sooyoung: what did you just say to me.
She looked really mad and looked as if she was going to explode.
Y/n: I said leave me alone. Are you death.?
After I said that I felt a stinging pain on my left cheek. Did this bitch actually just slap me. After that I feel my self hit the floor and my body is hurting. She is kicking and stamping all over me and I can't move. So I give up trying.
But then the kicking stops and I see someone leaning down trying to help me up. I look at them properly and see Kevin picking me up and carrying me out of thr class.
She kicked me in the head a few times and I only start feeling it now. Kevin starts saying something but I can't make out what he says. After that I don't remember anything as I pass out.

Kevin p.o.v
I walk into the music class and sit down waiting for everyone else. I sort out all my stuff when Jacob come in and sits with me. We start chatting about whatever comes to our minds.
After a few minutes Sooyoung walks over to y/n and starts screaming at her. But what got my attentions was when she said "And everyone knows about your little crush on Kevin so leave him alone because he'll never like someone like you." what does she know about me. After that she starts hitting y/n and it gets to the point where I can't watch anymore. I push sooyoung out of the way and see y/n bleeding so i pick her up and walk to the nurse.
Kevin: y/n stay awake. Keep your eyes open. We will be at the nurses office soon just stay away.
But she didn't listen and passed out. I got worried so I ran the rest of the way to the nurse and when I got their the nurse checked her straight away. She said she should be fine she will just have a bad headache and maybe sore ribs but we won't know until she wakes up. After she's done she leaves to go and report what happened and she told me to stay with her to see if she's okay.
I have never really spoken to y/n before but it doesn't mean I don't notice her, she's not like the other girls who just want to be with me for popularity. She keeps to her self which is kind of cute not going to lie.
I've seen her hanging out with Jacob and them talking all the time which was a shock as I didn't know they were friends, why didn't he ever tell me or even introduce me to her. I knew she had a crush on me as I always catch her starring at me or her friends have told me. But I wanted to hear it from her. Enough of that I need to make sure she's okay

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