Part 1, Chapter 24

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2 weeks later
Y/n p.o.v
Today is our 2nd to last day which means it's our school dance. So me and Kate are at my house while Kevin is with the kids back at his house getting ready with the boyz.
Kate: so what are you going to do when you get back to Korea?
Y/n:well I'm not so sure, it's good I've almost finished school but then that means I'll have to get a full time job to look after the kids as Anna will be going to school and so will the other 2. But Kevin said hell move in with me to help out but I don't want to be a burden to him.
Kate: hey your not a burden to him, he loves you and will do anything to help you out. Just remember that. Now anyways lets get ready we only have 2 hours before they come.

With that Kate grabbed all her things and went to the bathroom while I went to my room and got ready. I make sure I have everything before doing my make and hair. Im not really one to wear a lot of make up so I just Done the basics but I still looked great, and then I curled my hair which I re dyed last night and then I put my dress on and grab my heels to put them on.
*knock knock*
Kate: you done yet?
Y/n:just need to put my shoes on wait a min.
I quickly do my shoes up and walk to open the door and I see Kate standing their looking beautiful as ever

I quickly do my shoes up and walk to open the door and I see Kate standing their looking beautiful as ever

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She had her hair up styled nicely and her make up also simple but she still looked beautiful.
Y/n:wow you look like a frickin model, what the
Kate: oh shush, you are hot af, wait until Kevin sees he won't be able to keep his eyes off of you.

And this as my dress, which also matched my hair

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And this as my dress, which also matched my hair.
Kate: ahhh I can't wait for tonight it's going to be so fun.
Y/n: i know right, butttt you never told me who asked you to prom. So who was it?
Kate: oh yeah, I had 2 people ask me, but I really like the other person so please dont say anything. I felt so bad.
Y/n: I won't don't worry, now tell me.
Kate: alright alright, so the first person to ask me was hyunjae, I said I would think about it. And then a few days later Eric asked me and I've had to biggest crush on Eric since I knew him in America. So I let hyunjae down and told him the reason. He said he was okay with it but I still felt bad.
Y/n: you did what's right don't feel bad hyunjae will understand. AND I KNEW YOU HAD A THING FOR ERIC OMG AHHHHHHH
I say running up to her and shaking her.
Kate: omg stop, you looked more excited than Eric was.
She started laughing at me and I couldn't help but join in. Half way through laughing we heard the door bell ring.
Kate: that must be them, I'll get the door.
Y/n: alright let me just touch up my lipstick and I'll be down.
Kate nods and goes down stairs to get the door. You defiantly could say I was nervous, I don't know why but letting Kevin see me like this just made me feel weird. I've never dressed up like this before, but my mum would want me to. And it actually makes me feel nice for once.
I touch up my lipstick and grab my purse that has all the essentials in and walk out my room to the stairs where you can hear all the boyz and Kate talking.
I start to walk down the stairs not wanting to fall because of these heels, I can hear Kate tell them I'm coming and when I'm half down I see Kevin standing their looking beautiful as ever, his long hair styled out of his eyes, he red suit sitting perfectly upon his body. I have never seen such a person standing in front of me, looking so perfect. How the hell did I get this lucky, I don't know.

(Kevin's outfit)

Because I wasn't paying attention to walking down the stairs I tripped on the last step and almost fell flat on my face, but because Kevin was In front of me he caught me

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Because I wasn't paying attention to walking down the stairs I tripped on the last step and almost fell flat on my face, but because Kevin was In front of me he caught me.
Kevin: you should watch where your going, don't want to ruin that gorgeous dress now do we.
Y/n: yeah sorry about that, these shoes are much different to what I'm used to.
Kevin: it's fine but next time look where your going. Don't want you to hurt yourself.
Y/n: sorry sir I'll be careful next time.
I say sending him a wink.
I look over and everyone is just starring at us, maybe it's because the position me and kev are in. He has his hands gripped on my waist while mine arms are placed on his chest. I quickly pull away from him, and everyone starts laughing and so do we, realising how clumsy I am.
Kate: well now that, that's over should we get going, don't want to be late.
Sangyeon: yes let's go, the limo is waiting.
Y/n: wait you got a limo, why?
Kevin: well we want you girls to feel special tonight and we want you to remember this for the rest of your lives.
Me and Kate just did the little girly thing where we screeched and jumped around with each other because we are excited. Lol
We all walk out and I'm the last out because I need to lock up. Once I've done that I turn around and see Kevin with his hand out so I take it and we walk to the car and get in.
Sangyeon: tonight will be one of the best nights in our life, let's not have anyone ruin it. Now that school is over in like 2 weeks we will be free, but don't forget that we still have each other and that we will stick by each others sides until the very end. You got me.
Everyone: YES SIR
with that everyone started to sing and dancing to the music that was being played and I couldn't help but smile while looking at them having fun, it made me realise that I have found such an amazing group of friends and I know they will never leave my side. I hope.
They all carried on with what ever they were doing and I was just sitting their admiring each and everyone of them, but then I felt someone grab my hand and intertwine their fingers with mine. I look over and see Kevin starring at me.
Kevin: what you thinking about? I've been looking at you and you've just been smiling at everyone like your the happiest person on earth.
Y/n: I'm just happy that I have these guys by my side for ever, I'm just so lucky that I have found such amazing friends, and such an amazing boyfriend. I hope to spend the rest of my life like this.
Kevin: don't you worry, I'll make sure your life is filled with happiness, no matter what. As long as I'm by your side you will always be smiling. I love you more than anything and seeing you like this today just makes me beyond happy.
Y/n: stop, I don't want to cry and ruin my make up. You see the effect you have on me.
Kevin: oh you haven't seen other ways I can make you yet.
He gave me the devilish grin, knowing what he's on about, made me go red like a tomato.
Y/n: Kevin stop, not now when they are all here oh my.
He just started laughing at me, but then pulled my face closer to his, and lent his forehead against mine.
Kevin: I don't care about anything apart from you, okay. I love you.
Y/n: I love you more, never leave my side.
With that he pulled my face closer to his and kissed my lips softly showing me how much he meant by what he said.
He is one of the biggest reasons I am  happy now. Before I knew him I was lonely, bored and never had any fun. But with him now in my life I can't stop smiling and being happy. He has brought light to my life and I will for ever me grateful.
He pulled away from me and just starred into my eyes making me melt into his. He leaned his for head against mine and closed his eyes and I did the same just taking in the moment knowing it will get ruined at any time.
After about another 10 minutes of just sitting with Kevin's head rested against mine the car stopped and everyone was quick to get out.
Kevin: come on let's go. Don't want them to wait do we.
With that he grabbed my hand and helped me out the car and we are of into the "party".

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