Part 1, Chapter 18

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Y/n p.o.v
I have stayed at Kevin's now for 3 days I think. Not really sure.
But today we had to wake up early because we are all meeting up for breakfast and then going roller skating.
I grab my clothes and went to wash up and get ready. I hop into the shower and wash my self quickly and then get out and dry my self of and get into my clothes.

I then dryed my hair and put it up. And I also applied some makeup to feel nicer.
I walk out and see Kevin dressed as well.

He has also styled his hair nicely, and put some nice earrings in as well

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He has also styled his hair nicely, and put some nice earrings in as well. For some reason he looked extra attractive today, and I don't think I'll stop looking at him.
Kevin: well don't you look nice today.
Y/n: well don't you look extra handsome today. Do you want me starring?
Kevin: well I don't want you looking at anyone else because you are mine and only mine.
Y/n: you are in luck because I only have eyes for you.
He pulls me into him and just stares into my eyes, making me forget about everything. I could see him smirking, and I didn't realise that he has put me against the wall and trapped me their.
Kevin: you know, you are driving me crazy. Why do you have to look this perfect all the time. It gets hard for me to control my self sometimes.
He says while looking me up and down a few times but then starring into my eyes after. I was speechless, I had no clue what to say as he caught me of guard. He smirks again and leans in forward capturing my lips with his. At first the kiss was soft and gentle but then he starts to make it deeper. I couldn't help but like this wild side to Kevin, its something Ive never seen before. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in closer to him leaving no gap between us still kissing me with passion. He then breaks the kiss to catch air, but doesn't stop their. His lips train down my neck and he starts to leave gentil kisses until he finds my sweet spot. With out realising he is leaving dark marks on my skin, marking me as his.
I was liking what he was doing but we were going to be late.
Y/n: Kevin, we need to leave.
Kevin: fine but you will get it later.
Y/n: oh so scared. Now come on, we need to get to the cafe.
I run down stairs and grab my bag and put my shoes on and take his car keys and head to the car and wait for him.
Kevin: so your ganna drive.
Y/n: yep now hurry up.
He gets in and we are on our way to the location I was sent.

At the cafe

Me and Kevin were the last ones their, so they already order because apparently we took to long. I wonder who's fault that is. Me and Kevin grab a seat and order our food. We sit and wait, and we chat with the others.
Kate:ummm, you didn't cover your neck.
Y/n: what?
I was so confused on what she meant. I pulled my phone out and looked at my neck and saw 2 dark purple marks. Ahhh Kevin, I swear I'm going to kill you.
Y/n:omg I didn't even realise. Hold on I'm just going to the bathroom.
Kate: ill come and help.
But before we go I give Kevin an evil look and he just laughs at me, most likely proud with what he's done.
Me and Kate walk to the bathroom and she hands me some concella.
Y/n:this better work because its so embarrassing.
Kate: so did you get up to some saucy things?
Y/n: no it was just a heated make out sess I guess.
Kate: okay okay. Next time cover it.
I just nod and Kate works her wonders and hides it as best a possible. I look in the mirror and it's not as noticeable but you can still slightly see it. Oh well that will do, I'm still going to kill him. We walk back to our seats and I see my food has arrived so I sit down and eat hoping my food hasn't gone cold.
While eating Kevin leans over and whispers in my ear.
Kevin: whyd you cover it. I want people to know your mine.
Y/n: well its kinda embarrassing having people look at me, well not me but my neck.
Kevin: oh don't worry ill make it worse.
He sounded very serious with that statement making me slightly frightened and he could tell as I went stiff. He just laughed a little and went back to his food and so did I.
Sunwoo: okay so Kate here has booked us the whole rink for thr day so we don't have to worry about strangers.
Younghoon: yes, no weird encounters with people.
WE all just laugh at his random statement and get ready to go. We have already payed for our food so we just need to get our things and leave.

Roller skating rink

We all get to the skating rink around the same time, Kate and Jacob first and then the rest start pulling in after.
Kate: so all you need to do is get your skates, you can get food and drinks. The toilets are up stairs so be careful. We all nod and head in to grab some skates.
Once I had mine I take them over to a table and put all my things down. I then felt my phone buzz and see that my father has messaged me asking me to call him.


Hey dad what's up?

Not much just wanted to see how you are and to tell you that the dresses arrived.

Ahhh that's good. And I'm alright just out with my friends at the moment.

Did I call at the wrong time?

No its fine they can wait. So how are you all?

We are good, the young ones miss you lot and they can't wait to see you next week.

I'm so happy to be coming back. I miss you all so much.

Yeah, well anyways ill let you go back to your friends. I'll see you next week. Love you

Love you to dad.

End call
I then put my phone away and change into my skate's.i see everyone is already on the rink and I see Kevin waiting at the edge for me. Once they are on I get up and skate over to him.
Kevin: was that your dad?
Y/n: yeah just wanted to know how I am.
Kevin: that's good. Now why don't we do some skating.
Y/n: don't challenge me.
With that I take of on my skate's and zoom round the rink faster than the rest. This leaves them all shocked.
Kate: woah y/n calm down, you'll knock one of us over.
Y/n: sorry I just haven't skated in so long. I've missed it.
I slowed down giving the rest a chance to skate without fear. I slowly skate up to Kevin who isn't so bad either.
Y/n: I see you've done this before then.
Kevin: yep, me and my sister would always go skating.
Y/n: sounds fun.
Kevin: it was, but can you do any tricks?
Y/n: Well I used to be able to, but I'm a bit rusty.
Kevin: why don't you try.
With that everyone moved of the rink and left me on. I felt pressured as everyone is watching me but still started to skate.
I started of skating normally but spun around and started going backwards.
After that I was doing all sorts around the rink and everyone was impressed.
Once the thing playing finished I stopped and everyone started clapping, making my face turn red.
Hyunjae: didn't know you could do that.
Kevin: well I guess she's got a lot of tricks up her sleeve.

For the rest of that day we all skated and played games, just having a good old laugh. We eat as well and then went back on for the last skate of the night. We all left at around 6 to go home and Kevin came back to mine for the night.

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