Part 1, Chapter 17

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Y/n p.o.v
I woke up to some one poking me. I look over and see Kevin smiling down at me.
Y/n: what's so important that you had to wake me.
Kevin: well if you stay their any longer you will burn. And i think we should go in the water and have some fun.
Y/n: fine, but not for long.
Kevin: yay.
He pulls me up and throws me over his shoulder and runs towards the water with me screaming in joy.

Third person p.o.v
Kevin grab y/n and throws her over his shoulder and runs towards the water as fast as he can with her screaming in joy. Once he reaches the water he picks her of his shoulder and drops her in the water. Laughing really hard he didn't see that she has come up and is now jumping into his back. Without realising this he falls into the water from the sudden impact and then surfaces the water again trying to catch his breath.
They both start laughing at what just happened and then y/n starts to swim away knowing Kevin will get her back, even though he was the one to start it.
The rest of the group where just watching them act like the happy couple they are, the boyz were happy for their friends, seeing him this happy made them feel great. And Kate was so happy that y/n has forgotten about her worries and is finally happy with Kevin and the rest of them.
The couple continues to mess around for a while until the rest of the group join in and they all had a big water fight. But it ended with the boyz teaming up and going after the girls. Resulting in them winning and the girls running onto the beach in defeat. They all then head back to where they were set up and sit down to dry of and just chat for a while.

Y/n p.o.v
Kevin runs as fast as he can towards the water and because I'm screaming I didn't realise that he was about to drop me. But then I feel my body collide with the cold water. Once I come back up I see him laughing so much, so it gives me the opportunity to get him back. I sneak behind him and jump onto his back causing him to fall into the water from shock. I get up and couldn't stop laughing. He comes back up and we both laugh even more. I could then see this glint in his eye knowing that he's going to do something so I swimm away as fast as I can. But I feel someone grab my waist.
Kevin: can't get away from me that quick.
I turn my self around and just look at him, I couldn't help but notice how the water droplets where just running down his perfect skin and then falling onto his chest.
Kevin: why are you starring at me?
Y/n: well you see, you just look god damn sexy right now.
I say sending him a wink and escaping from his arms.
Kevin: you can't just say that and run away. What the hell. Come back.
I turn around and see him pouting at me, but that can't do much.
We mess around for awhile when the rest join in and we start a big water fight, but the boyz teamed up and left me and Kate. Which didn't turn out to well and they won. Me and Kate run out of the water and up to our towels and the boyz come afte us and join us.

New: that was fun.
Eric: yeah, we should do more things like this.
Kate:I agree, why don't we go rolla skating on Saturday.
Every one agress with her and then all start their separate conversations.
I get up and go to grab my towel but feel someone pulling me down and I land on their lap.
Kevin: share with me.
He wraps his towel around the both of us and hold on tight to me. He leans his head on my shoulder and just sits talking to Younghoon who is next to him.
Jacob: so how long until we go back to Canada?
Y/n: I think it's next Monday we leave. I can't wait to see my brother and sisters. Its been so long, and I miss them.
Jacob: same, my parents have orginised something for when I come back, I just hope it will be good.
Y/n: it will be fine don't worry.
Jacob: but y/n, you do need to be careful. Maybe you should tell Kevin.
Y/n: ill be fine, and I'll tell him when I'm ready. I don't want to worry him.
I look at Kevin who is still chatting away with the others. I can't tell him yet, I dony want to worry him or sacre him. It's to much for him to handle. I can trust him but I think I need to wait.
I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, feeling tired. I feel Kevins head slightly turn and he moves slightly so I'm between his legs. I move so my face is in his neck and I wrap my arms around his waist.
Kevin: are you getting tired?
He says while stocking my hair relaxing me a little more.
Y/n: yeah I am but I want to stay like this with everyone for a bit longer. Its nice.
He hums in response and just lays his head on top of mine and then lays us down. I snuggle into him more and we stay like that for a while until everyone starts leaving.
Kate: hey I'm ganna shoot, my parents want me home. But I'll see you guys on Saturday. 
I get up of Kevin even though he didn't want me to and run to Kate before she leaves and give her a hug.
Y/n: today was fun, I just want to say thank you for being their for me. I know we haven't know each other long but you are my best friend already and I love you.
Kate: awwwww I love you to girl. I'm just happy that you took me in when I first joined the school. It's good to have a fellow English speaker around. Anyways I have to go, but I'll text you.
Y/n: okay. I'll see you later. Bye
I wave and then walk back to the others, but then a little child runs up to me crying.
Y/n: hey hey what's wrong?
Child: my mummy left me here. I can't find her.
Y/n: hey its fine. I'll help you, let me just go get my things. You stay here.
Child: please don't leave me.
The child cried even more not letting me go so I pick her up and head over to the rest.
New: woah where did she come from?
Y/n: she lost her mum and I need to help her find her.
Kevin: ill get your things and help you.
I'll look at the child and they have fallen asleep on my shoulder.  Poor child, I feel so bad for her. I better find her parents quick.
Kevin grabs our things and the rest of the boyz left to go home.
Kevin: where do we look first?
Y/n: maybe we go along near the restaurants. They could be over their.
We head in that direction but their isn't many people around. The child then starts to wake up and see Kevin next to me.
Child: is that your boyfriend?
Y/n: yes that is.
She starts to giggle.
Child: he's cute.
Y/n: I know. So what's your name?
I say pinching her cheek slightly.
Child: my names hyunji and I'm 5 years old.
Y/n: well hello hyunji my names y/n and that is Kevin. If you don't mind telling me where your parents where last time you saw them.
Hyunji: they were at an ice cream shop, getting me my favorite ice cream but then I saw a cute bird and followed it.
Y/n: deary me. Next time tell your parents and one can go with you.
Hyunji: good Idea.
She giggles again.
Kevin: didn't know you where good with kids.
Y/n: yeah well I had to look after my younger siblings for most of my life, so I guess I got it from that.
Hyunji: Eomma. I found my Eomma.
She jumps down from my arms and runs to a worried looking woman. When she hears hyunji shout she turns around and picks her up crying. Me and Kevin walk over.
Mother: thank you so much. I thought I lost her forever.
Y/n: it's okay. I would be the same with my child if I had one.
Mother: I can't thank you both enough. What can I do for you in return.
Y/n: we don't need anything as long as hyunji here is safe I'm happy. You have a lovely daughter right their. She's very bright and cheerful.
Mother: thank you. I hope she's turns out to be some one like you one day. Pretty and well mannored. And also very kind and helpful.
Y/n: ahhh thank you. That's very kind. Hey hyunji, make sure you don't scare your mother like that,and don't follow anymore birds. Be a good girl for your mother and grow to be amazing.
Hyunji: don't worry I will. Thank you y/n and Kevin.
She says giggling while looking at Kevin.
Kevin: I think we are going to go. I glad we could help.
The woman bows at us and says thank you once again.
Hyunji: bye y/n and bye handsome boy.
I couldn't help but laugh at her cuteness

Y/n: I think someone's got a little crush on you.
Kevin: yeah well I don't blame her look at my face.
Y/n: oh shush and let's get home. I'm tired.

With that we got to the car and left back to my home.

At the house

Kevin: hey why don't we stay at mine tonight?
Y/n: sure why not but let me get my things.
I walk up stairs and pack a bag for the night,making sure I have everything. I then walk back down.
Y/n: I can shower at yours right.
He nods and then we are of to his house. This is my first time staying at his house but not the first time I've been their.
WE pull up and we get out and head into his house. He jumps on the couch while I go and wash up. Once I'm out I dry my hair and then get in my pj's. I then walk into his living room and find Kevin half asleep.
Y/n: hey you should go wash up now, then we can get some sleep.
He gets up and pulls me into a hug and gives me a quick kiss.
Kevin: I won't be long. You can wait in my room if you want.
He runs to the bathroom with all his things while I go to his room and sit in the bed. Wow his bed is comfy. Good luck getting out of this. After a few minutes I start to get cold so I go to my bag but realised I'd dint bring a hoodie. Maybe I can borrow Kevin's. Heheh I see that he has a few hoodie left out so I grab one and throw it on feeling much warmer.
I then lay on the bed and play with my phone until Kevin comes out clean and dry.
Kevin: stealing my clothes I see.
Y/n: I was cold okay.
Kevin: hey I didn't say it was a bad thing. You look cute.
Y/n: anyways lets get some sleep.
He gets into bed and pulls me closer to him and falls asleep alomst straight away. 

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