Part 1, Chapter 20

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Y/n p.o.v

Me and Kevin spent the day with my family and he was getting to know them while I spent some time with his sister. What I didn't know was that his sister and mine where the same age and they had become friends.
Kev's sister was very nice and talented as well, but she didn't want to be a performer she was more in the arts side of it.
Stella: so how did you and Kevin meet, he never really told me.
Y/n: well I was best friends with Jacob but Jacob never introduced us, and one day this girl started on me and was hurting me and Kevin came over and helped me. He took care of me when no one else did. And I guess our relationship bloomed from their.
Stella:oh wow, he's always been the helpful type. But I guess you were the special one. He's never really been interested in relationships but I guess when he saw you he changed his mind.
Y/n: yeah, well I did have a little crush on him but he never knew about it.
Stella:that's just cute. Well I should be going, my friends want me to meet them. It was nice seeing you, I hope to see you soon.
Y/n: it's good to meet you as well. And I'll come visit sometime.
I gave her a quick hug and she went to say good bye to Kevin. After that we all went to play at the park because the kids wanted to.
Dad: so what will you guys be doing for the 3 weeks your here?
Kevin:we haven't been told yet apart from the prom that's all we know.
Y/n: actually I've planned a day for everyone, so that should be fun.
Dad: thats good, but make sure you do come home sometime.
Y/n: I will. Don't worry.
Dad: Kevin can come along as well cause the children already love him.
Kevin: ill come defiantly.
I walk of and leave my dad and Kevin to talk and play ith the kids while I walk over to Anna who is just swinging on the swings. She sees me walking over and stands up, she walks towards me and just embraces me in a hug. After a few minutes my shoulder felt a bit wet, and the only reason that could be is because shes crying. I pull her away and look at her face to see she is crying a lot.
Y/n: hey what's up? Why are you crying?
Anna: can we go some where?
Y/n: sure, come on.
I take her hand and we go further into the park where their isn't many people and I sit her down on the grass.
Y/n: so tell me, what's wrong?
Anna: ever since you left last year, it's been really hard. I've had to look after the kids all the time and I'm failing school because of it. I don't get enough sleep either. And the worst part is....
She starts crying even more, not finishing what she was ganna say. I pull her towards me and try to calm her down.
Y/n:hey hey its alright, calm down what ever it is, I will help you.
Anna: it's dad.
Y/n: what about him? What has he done?
Anna: when you left Last time he got super depressed and angry. Everyday after work he would go out and drink but when he came home, he would beat me like I was some sort of punching bag. When he found out you were coming back he kinda stopped but not all.
Y/n: what why didn't you call me? He hasn't touch the others has he?
Anna: luckily no and he also took my phone because he knows I would have told you.
Y/n: we need to go now. I'll get the kids and we are going to the police station I don't care. And you guys will be coming back to Korea with me.
Anna: I love you y/n.
She stands up and gives me a big hug. I can't believe this would happen, why would he treat the kids like this, they have no mother and now they aren't going to have a father.
I take Anna back to the other and I pull Kevin a side. I tell him everything and I tell him to get the kids and take Anna to the police station so I can stay with my dad.
Once they go my dad looked at me confused.
Y/n: why, why would you do it?
Dad: do what? What are you on about?
Y/n: you know exactly what I'm talking about. You have ruined Anna's life and now the younger ones because they are never going to see you again. Why would you do this to them, they have lost their mother and now their own father. The man who was meant to look after them not beat them because he was angry. I don't think I can call you my father anymore.
Dad: I couldn't help it. I was angry that you left me, I had to do so much all on my own so I turned to drinking and it helped. My anger was gone but I didn't mean to hurt Anna. I love her she is my child, you can't take them from me.
Y/n: you've ruined it. They will be coming with me back to Korea, and they will never see you again. You are a monster.
Dad: don't you dare talk to me like that. They are my children and I will get them back.
Y/n: no you won't. I will protect them with my life.
With that I turn to leave but feel him pull me back and slap me as hard as he can.
Dad: do not leave. I was not done with you
Y/n: get of me you monster.
He goes to hit me again so I close my eyes waiting for his impact but didn't feel it. Instead I felt him being dragged of me. I look up and see some one on top of him.
I quickly get up and run over to them and try to stop that person from killing him.
I go over and I notice its Kevin.
Y/n: Kevin stop. Please!
Kevin: he deserves it, he hurt you.
Y/n: it's fine the police will handle him.
I pull him up, and he looks very angry, like he wants to kill my father, if I can call him that.
I see my father on the floor passed out and bleeding from the impact of Kevin, and after a few minutes the police came and took him.
Kevin pulls me towards him and hold my face in between his hands.
Kevin: are you alright?
Y/n: Kevin I'm fine, he just got to angry and just hurt me. I guess the same way he did to Anna.
Kevin: don't worry he won't be doing it again. The police will sort it out and we can take the kids and look after them.
Y/n: thank you, what would I have done without you?
He pulls me into him and hugs me really tight, not wanting to let go.
Today did start of good, I was able to meet my family after 6 months but turns out for them it was horrible. I just wish I was their and none of it would have happened.
Kevin: why don't we go get the kids, I spoke to my parents they said we can drop them of their and they will look after them.
Y/n: are they sure? The kids can be a lot to handle.
Kevin: they said it's fine. They don't mind.
With that me and Kevin went to get them and his parents were very welcoming to them. Tommy was fine with going but Grace didn't want to, and she hung to Anna like glue.
Y/n: Grace ill come and see you tomorrow but for now you stay with Kevin's parents okay?
Grace: but Where's dad? I want dad.
She started balling her eyes out, but she doesn't understand what happened because she's to young.
Y/n: well daddy has been a very bad man, and he's dangerous but don't worry you have me and the others.
I went over to her and picked her up to calm her down. But it just wouldn't work.
Y/n: Anna I think I'm going to take Grace with me, are you and Tommy Ok here?
Anna: yeah we are fine, Tommy's got his toys he should be fine.
Y/n: thank you again for looking after them. I'm sorry this had to happen so soon.
Kev's mum: don't worry about it, you guys are family now. But you better get going.
Kevin and me say good bye and we are on our way to the hotel. I have grace fast asleep in my arms with Kevin carrying her bag.
We have a lot to explain to my teacher.

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