Part 1, Chapter 10

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Teacher: today I have a few announce ments. The first one is, I would like you guys to get into groups and work on a song to perform. Can be a song of your choice. And second is since you are in your last year their is going to be a trip to..... Drum roll please.
Everyone starts hitting their table.
Teacher: Canada. We will be going away for 3 weeks going to all different places.
Omg no way I get to go home, I'm so happy.
Teacher: I know some of you are haply as you can go home. But you will not be able to stay at hien you will be in the hotel like the rest. But you will be guiding groups around. Now you can work on your performance.
I get up and run straight to the boys.they are smiling really wide and look really happy.
Jacob: we get to go home. I'm so happy. I can't wait.
Kevin: neither. That means my parents can meet you.
Y/n: omg that's scary. Don't say that.
Kevin: why not they really want to meet you. I've told them all abut you.
Y/n: well to be fair my dad wants to meet you as well. I need to go and practice for my performance.
I walk over to Kate and see her just staring around.
Y/n: hey want to work together.
Kate: sure. What do you okay? I play guitar and sing.
Y/n: I play piano and sing as well.
Kate: cool. Let's pick a song and practise.
WE both walk to a practise room nd choose a song to learn. After the lesson is done we both pack up and walk back to the class to get our things.
Kate: hey ill see you tomorrow.
Y/n: yeah. Wait can I get your number.
Kate: sure.
She hands me her phone and I do the same. Once that's done I walk to my locker and see Kevin waiting for me.
Kevin: so I was wondering if you wanted to do the performance together.
Y/n: sure but I'm also doing it with Kate. What song?
Kevin: I need to find one first.
Y/n: let me know when so I can learn it. But oyur playing the piano, cause your better than me.
Kevin: fine fine. Let's go I want some boba.
He takes my hand and we both head out to his car seeing Jacob standing their.
Kevin: yo we are going for boba want to come.
Jacob: sure but I want to get changed first. Let's invite the rest aswell.
Kevin: alright. I'll drop you all of at home and then let's meet at the boba shop at 4:30. Tell the rest of them.
Y/n: ill aks Kate.
I text Kate seeing if she wants to come.

Hey we are all going out to get boba if you wan to join?

Sure what time and could you send the address of the shop.

We are going to meet a 4:30 and the address is.

Okay I'll see you their

I put my phone away and see that we have arrived at mine.
Kevin: I can come get you if you want.
Y/n: sure. I'll see you later then.
I walk into my house and get changed.
Once I was changed I took a photo and posted in my insta. I'm not famous or anything but people just like what I post so I get quiet a few likes

163,456likes Itsyagirly/nIm not something you can see everyday 👀Comments 67Kev_moon= but I see you everyday

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Im not something you can see everyday 👀
Comments 67
Kev_moon= but I see you everyday.
Itsyagirly/n= well apart from you. Just fo with it.

Katemate= damnn nice fit girl
Itsyagirly/n= thanks sweet

I then grab my bag and put everything need in it and wait outside for Kevin to arrive.
After about 5 minutes he turns up and I hop into his car.
Kevin:you look nice. Trying to impress someone
Y/n: maybe. He's part of our group and he sings and plays piano really well. You might no him.
Kevin: hmmmm I'm not sure. I think it would be nice to meet someone that talented.
We both start laughing and he drives to the shop.
Y/n: so is everyone coming?
Kevin: yeah I think so. Jacob told me they all replied so I guess.
Y/n: okay. So when are we going on the trip, I did there the teacher say it.
Kevin: I think in about 2 weeks time, do we need to go shopping again.
Y/n: yes I don't have enough clothes. Ahhhhhh why so soon. Oh I need to tell me dad.
I grab my phone and call him.
Phone call
Dad: hello?
Y/n: hi dad. How are you all?
Dad: we are good just missing you a lot.
Y/n: well I have some good news.
Dad: go ahead
Y/n: so in 2 weeks our school has planned an end of year trip and we are going to Canada. And we get to come visit you. I can't wait.
Dad: oh that's amazing. I can't wait your younger brother won't stop asking where you are. Oh and do I get to meet that boyfriend of yours.
Y/n: yes dad you do , why don't you say hi to him hes with me now
Dad: hello young man it's nice to talk to you. I hope your treating my daughter well.
Kevin:yes sir I am treating her well. And I can also speak English if that's easier for you.
Dad: ohhh so she picked another Canadian boy I see.
Kevin: yes sir she did.
Dad: alright well ill let you two go. Have fun but not to much.
Y/n: okay bye dad love you.
Kevin: bye nice talking to you sir.

My dad hung up and I noticed we have arrived at the shop. I see all the members waiting outside I guess waiting for us. We both walk out and I see Kate talking with Eric. In glad them to finally get to see each other after so long. I was walking over to the boys when I feel something grba my hand. I look up and see Kevin smiling at me. We great them all and walk into the shop. I walk in with Kate just chatting with her.
Kate: after this we should go shopping for new clothes for this trip.
Y/n: omg you read my mind. I also need to get a new swimming suit. So I'll need your help.
Kate: why don't you get liver boy to chose. Its for him anyways.
Y/n: hey don't say that. Ewwwwww gosh.
WE walk into the shop and order our drinks and we notice that their isn't a place big enough for us to sit.
Juyeon: why don't we just take away and then we can go to the mall.
Everyone nods and we wait for our drinks. Because theirs so many of us it takes about 30 minutes ofr all of them to be ready. While waiting I couldn't help but notice Eric looking at Kate. Maybe they had something going on when he was on america. Once everyone had their drinks we walk to the mall, I am walking along side Kevin while he talks with Chanhee and I'm talking to hwall.
WE are talking about what ever when hwall brings up about me and Kevin.
Hwall: you have made him happier you know. I've never seen him smile so much.
Y/n: he's also made me happy as well. It's hard moving from one country to another on your own so I guess we both understand each others pain.
Kevin: yeah I understand. But thank you for making him happy, it hurt to see him in pain all the time. I'm glad you came into his and our lives. We will always be here for you y/n.
Y/n: thanks hwall. It means a lot. You guys are like my second family.
Kevin: you know I heard all of that right.
Y/n: oh great.
I quickly let go of his hand and ran of trying to get away from him cause that was embarrassing. But I guess I need to run fast because he caught me. He wraps his hands round my waist from behind and whispers in my ear.
Kevin: can't run away so easily.
Y/n: ahhh let me go your embarrassing me.
Kevin: hahaha nope.he then picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and starts running.
Y/n: Changmin help me please. I'm going to die.
Once I said that he started running after us.
Changmin: let her go. Your going to kill her.
Changmin comes running at us and jumps straight onto Kevin making us fall and me land straight onto Kevin.
Y/n: owww I didn't mean juno on us.
Kevin: damnnn that hurt. But are you alright?
Y/n: I'm fine what about you?
Kevin: I'm good.
He gets up and lends me a hand and pulls me up as well. But he doesn't let me hand go. Afte that we all carry on walking to the mall. And once we get their me and Kate separate from the boys to go and find some cute clothes.
Kate: let's go in here.
Y/n: This shop is expensive though. I can't afford this.
Kate: Dont worry about it. I'll get you what ever you want.
Y/n:I can't have you doing that.
Kate: well you got to be looking good for Kevin.
She says and pulls me into the shop without letting me complain anymore.

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