Part 1, Chapter 11

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Y/n p.o.v
After we are done in that shop we Kate drags me out and pulls me to another one, but this doesn't look as expensive. We walk in and it's mainly full of casual clothes, I look around and see quite a few cute outfits so I grab some and match them together and so does Kate. We get to the changing rooms and try on the first outfit. I chose a loose t shirt with so black ripped jeans, with some nice little boots.
I come out and se Kate were the same jeans but a different t shirt.
Kate:omg I think we should get the same t-shirt and have matching outfits.
Y/n: yes good idea. Alright next outfit.
I walk back in and grab my next outfit, this time it's a pleated skirt with an over sized hoodie. I walk out and wait for Kate and she come out in some overalls and a goodie as well.
Y/n: you look really cute in that.
Kate: so do you. But I'm definitely getting this one.
I walk back in and change back into my normal clothes as I only had a few tops left but I'll get them anyways. I grab everything I'm going to buy and walk to the counter but in the way their I see I nolice hoodie that Kevin would like. I grab it and go to pay for it all. Once all the items have been scanned it come to $256(I don't know the curacy of won)
I pull out my card and hand it to him. Once it's been paid for he puts all my things in and bag and hands me the receipt. I wait outside for Kate when I feel my phone vibrate.

Hey where are you guys?

We are at ***********

Alright well be their soon.

As I was texting him mate came out and was holding so many bags, I didn't know she bought so much.
Y/n: how do u have so much?
Kate: oh I have no clue. I just love shopping. Ahhh so their is going to be like a mini prom their and we need to get dresses.
She grabs my hand and walks away from the shop.
Y/n: Kevin and the boys were going to meet us their.
Kate: well no need they are right their.
I look up and see all the boys walking our way.
Sangyeon: do enough shopping girls?
Kate: no but now me and y/n are going to get dresses.
Kevin: I'm coming.
Kate: no your not y/n dress will be a surprise.
Kevin: urgh fine. But once it's been picked tell me the colour.
I nod just as Kate drags me away to a nice dress shop.
?: hello ladies. What can I get for you today?
Kate: so in a few weeks we have this party like prom thing and we need some dresses that you think would suit us.
?: okay I'll go have a look and bring some out.
After about 5 minutes the women comes out with 2 dresses in her hand.
?:so I pick one each and I think these will suit oyy to the best out the ones we have.
She hands me a long red one and Kate a nice blue one. She then leads us to a changing room and she goes into help Kate. I wait out side so I can see Kate dress on her. After about 5 minutes she walks out. And my god does she look stunning.

She walks out and the dress just flows slightly behind her, it shows her figure of at the top but the rest is hidden

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She walks out and the dress just flows slightly behind her, it shows her figure of at the top but the rest is hidden.
Y/n: you look drop dead gorgeous. I think this is the one.
Kate: I'm in love. This fits so well and is so comfortable. Anyways your turn.
I walk into the changing room and the women comes into so she can help get mine on aswell. It was an easy fit so not  tight at all and was long enough to cover my body. I step out of the dressing room and kates jaw drops.

 I step out of the dressing room and kates jaw drops

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Kate: wtf. How do you look so good in that? It suits you so much. Wow Kevin is one lucky man. Okay I think we will be getting these two.
We both get out of our dresses and head over to the counter.
?:okay for both dresses that is $450
Y/n: Kate I can't pay that much for a dress.
Kate: don't worry your not paying for it.
Y/n: you can't either.
Kate: oh I'm not.
I look at her so confused.
Kate p.o.v
Kevin:i want to come.
Kate:no y/n dress will be a surprise.
Kevin: urgh fine.
He quickly hands me his card I was Confused at first but then caught on. He wants to pay for her dress.

At the shop

I get a text from Kevin saying that no matter how much the dress is get it for her.
So I did
End of flashback

? : when would you like these dresses to be picked up.
Y/n: can you do shipping to over seas.
? : yes we can were would you like it to be shipped?
I tell her the address of my house and the women said they will be their within 2 weeks. We both leave the shop and walk to the food court to where they boys are.
I see all the boys sitting and chatting I notice Kevin sitting their just starring into space.
I walk over to him to make sure he's okay.
Y/n: hey are you alright?
Kevin: oh yeah I'm fine just thinking about this show. It's in two days and I hope I do good, I just don't want to mess up.
Y/n: how can you say that, the talent you have is amazing. You will never mess up but if you do then you learn from it and become stronger. But I know you will do amazing.
I say quickly pecking his lips.
Kevin: I just wish you could be their, to give me luck.
Y/n: I'm sorry I can't be their but I'll be cherring for you at home.
But what he doesn't know is that I'll be right their in the front row,i just told him I couldn't come so I can surprise him.
Kevin: it's fine. I think we should be getting home soon. I'm getting tired and I can see your nackered as well.
Y/n: yes Kate has drained me.
I say leaning my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes.
Kevin: hey guys I think we are going to leave. She's getting really tired.
Younghoon: yeah I think we should all go.
Me and Kevin get up and head to his car so he can drop me of home.
Once we get to my house Kevin walks me to my door.
Kevin: sleep well. I'll be here to pick you up tomorrow.
He leans down and kisses me then walks of to his car. I unlock my door and put all my bags down and head straight to bed. I was so tired.

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